Stanford profile
Recent activity:
“Western Akritas: Excavating Modern Greek
History in the Hoover Institution Archives,” American Journal of Contemporary Hellenic
Issues 15 (Winter 2024–2025).
“‘But I mustn’t let myself be [a]
Philhellene’: Arnold J. Toynbee’s unpublished correspondence in the Hoover
Institution archives (January–May 1921),” The
Journal of Modern Hellenism 36
(2024), 103–172.
“La Parisienne” Goes to the Opera: Maria
Callas as Priestess, NEO Magazine, June–July 2024.
A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and
Harmony (online).
“Beethoven’s Nine Symphonies,” Stanford course, Spring 2024.
“The Burning of Smyrna: H. C. Jaquith’s
Report to Admiral Bristol,” American Journal of Contemporary Hellenic
Issues 14 (Summer 2023).
A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and
Harmony (available worldwide)
victim of his obstinate devotion to the cause of the unhappy Armenian race”:
The Murder of Rev. George P. Knapp (1915), Journal
of the Society for Armenian Studies (2023)
“The ‘Doxiadis’
Exhibition and its American Epilogue,” NEO
Magazine (March 2023). [online]
trials (unrehearsed
performances of short repertory works and original
“Ο Πέτρος και ο Στάινμπεκ
[Petros and Steinbeck],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 18
September 2022.
της επανάστασης του 1922 [The unknown background of the
Revolution of 1922],” Το
ΒΗΜΑ, 17 July 2022.
“From the Shores of the Aegean to the Edge of
the Pacific: A tribute to Alexander Pantages (1864/75–1936),” NEO Magazine
(April 2022).
- “The most influential Greek since
Alexander the Great? A reappraisal of Spyros P. Skouras,” NEO Magazine
- “A humanities treasure in the heart of
Silicon Valley,” Stanford Libraries Blog
- “Biographer, Ilias Chrissochoidis,
retells the story of Greek American film pioneer Spyros Skouras,” The Greek Herald
- “Aπό τη
Σαλονίκη στη
Θεσσαλονίκη: η
µαρτυρία του
Ζακ Αµπραβανέλ,” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 31 October 2021.
- “Ο
Σκούρας που
έσωσε 3 εκατομμύρια
Έλληνες στην
Κατοχή,” Ο Ελληνικός
Κήρυκας / The Greek Herald, (interview).
- Interview
with Julietta Karori and Dionysis Malouhos, “A
Window to the World,” Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Channel
3, 8 January 2020
- “Νέα
στοιχεία για
την προσφορά
του προέδρου
της 20th Century Fox
Σπύρου Σκούρα
στην Ελλάδα
της Κατοχής,” Athens News Agency, 27 July 2019
- “Film pioneer’s archive at Stanford
reveals Hollywood treasure trove,” Stanford News Service, 16 July 2019
(Greek version in the National Herald)
- Interview with Julietta Karori, “A
Window to the World,” Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Channel 3,
23 January 2019
- Εκδήλωση για το Νίκο Αστρινίδη (interview), Με το 3, Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, Television Channel 3, 25
January 2019
- Interview with
Thanasis Gogadis, Hellenic Broadcasting
Corporation, Radio 9.58 FM, 25 January 2019
- “Μια νέα πατρίδα έξω από το παράθυρό μου” (interview, Hellenic Broadcasting
Corporation, Radio Channel 3)
2004 Ph.D. in Musicology, Stanford University, USA.
Dissertation: “Early Reception of Handel’s Oratorios,
1732–1784: Narrative – Studies – Documents,” 3 vols., xiii +
1626 pp.
committee: Professor Karol Berger (adviser), Professor Stephen Hinton (reader), Professor Thomas S. Grey (reader).
1996 M.Phil. (by research) in Musicology, University
of Liverpool, UK.
Thesis: “The Concept of Music in the Shakespearean
Corpus: An Exploration of Neoplatonic Ideas of Music in Shakespeare.”
1995–1996 M.Phil./Ph.D. status, Musicology, King’s College, University of
London, UK.
“The Impact of Aristotle’s Poetics on
the Efforts Towards the Creation of Opera.”
Professor Reinhard Strohm / Michael Fend.
1995 M.Mus. in Historical Musicology, King’s College, University of
London, UK.
“Striggio-Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo: An
Excursion into its Neoplatonic Layers.”
Professor Curtis Price.
1992 Ptychio
(equivalent to MA) summa cum laude and highest GPA in my class,
Musicology and Music Education,
of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Thesis: “Το συνθετικό έργο του
Νίκου Αστρινίδη
: Μία πρώτη
/ The Life and Works of Nicholas Astrinidis.”
1989–1990 private instruction in Conducting with Karolos Trikolidis
(student of Hans Swarovski and Herbert von Karajan), New
Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece.
1992 Diploma in Theory of Music (cluster of teaching degrees) cum
Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece.
1992 Fugue (Diploma: Excellent
Unanimously with Distinction)
1990 Hodiki
(Degree: Excellent)
1990 Counterpoint (Degree: Excellent
1988 Harmony (Degree: Excellent)
1990 Diploma in Piano Performance (professional degree) cum laude
and First Prize,
Macedonian Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece.
2017, 01–05 Visiting Researcher, “Economics of Change” department, WZB Berlin
Social Science Center
2015/01–16/12Research Fellow
(“Culture and Economics”), WZB
Berlin Social Science Center
2015–2016 Library
Research Fellowship, Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection,
California State University, Sacramento
2016 Honorary citation, Thracian
Hearth of Thessaloniki
2011–2012 Research grant, Greek America Foundation
Fellowship, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA
Visiting Scholar,
Department of Music, Stanford University (July–September)
2010–2011 ACLS
Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies
Fellowship, The John W. Kluge Center at the Library
of Congress
F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography, Houghton Library,
Harvard University
Fellowship, The Burney Centre,
McGill University
Research Associate, Department of
Economics, University College London
Scholar, Minda de Gunzburg Center for
European Studies, Harvard University [declined]
2010, Jan. Research grant, “Music & Letters” Trust
2009–2010 Research Associate, ESRC Centre for Economic
Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE),
Department of
Economics, University College London
Career Research Associate, Institute
of Musical Research,
School of
Advanced Study, University of London
2007–2008 Mayers Fellowship, The
2006–2007 John M. Ward Fellowship in Dance and Music for the Theatre, Houghton Library,
Harvard University
Mary and Eric Weinmann Fellowship, Folger Shakespeare Library
2005–2006 Kanner Fellowship in British Studies, Center for Seventeenth- &
Eighteenth-Century Studies, UCLA
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Harry Ransom
Center, The University of Texas at Austin
Gwin J. and Ruth Kolb Research
Fellowship, American Society for
Eighteenth-Century Studies
2005 Honorary
Citation, Academy of Athens
2004–2005 Fletcher Jones Foundation Fellowship, The Huntington
2004 J. Merrill Knapp Research
Fellowship, American Handel Society
2003–2004 Aubrey
Williams Research Travel Fund Award, American
Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
2003 Travel Fellowship, American Society for
Eighteenth-Century Studies
Research Opportunity Award, Stanford University
Dahl Award Competition Finalist, AMS Pacific Southwest and Northern California
Dissertation Fellowship Finalist, The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship
2002–2003 Research Fellowship, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library,
Walpole Library Fellowship, The
Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University
2001–2002 Geballe Dissertation Prize
Fellowship, Stanford Humanities Center
2000–2002 Doctoral Fellowship, Panayotis and Effie Michelis Foundation
1996–2000 Doctoral Fellowship, Stanford University
1995–1996 Postgraduate Fellowship, Alexander
S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation
Vozou Fellowship, Academy of Athens
1994–1995 Velliou-Varonou Scholarship, Greek
Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
1992–1993 Postgraduate Scholarship, Macedonian Conservatory of
1991 (Fall) research grant, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki
1990 Honorary Diploma and Scholarship, Rotary Club of
1987–1991 Undergraduate Fellowships, Greek
State Scholarships Foundation
1986 Honorary Diploma, Municipality of Neapolis,
1985–1992 Fellowship, School of Advanced Music Theory, Macedonian
Conservatory of Thessaloniki
Continuing Studies, Stanford University (Lecturer / Academic
2024 Summer A Practical Introduction to Music Theory
and Harmony (online)
2024 Spring Beethoven’s Nine Symphonies
2023 Summer A Practical Introduction to Music Theory
and Harmony (online)
2023 Spring Musica
divina: The Life and Works of Mozart
2022 Spring A Practical Introduction to Music Theory
and Harmony (online)
2021 Summer A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and
Harmony (online)
2020 Spring The Artistry of Beethoven: A 250th Anniversary Celebration
2019 Fall A
Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony
2019 Winter Beethoven’s
Nine Symphonies
2018 Fall A
Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony
2018 Winter A Practical Introduction to Music Theory
and Harmony (online)
2017 Summer A Practical Introduction to Music Theory
and Harmony
2016 Summer A
Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony
2015 Summer A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and
2014 Summer A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and
2014 Spring An Introduction to Opera
2013 Summer Practical
Music Theory
2013 Spring An Introduction to Opera
2012 Summer What
Makes Classical Music Tick: The Elements of Sound
2012 Winter An
Introduction to Opera
2011 Fall Practical
Music Theory
2009 Fall Handel and His Times
2009 Summer Music’s
Anatomy: Classical Music from the Inside
2008 Summer Practical Music Theory
2008 Spring Mozart and the Enlightenment
2007 Summer Practical Music Theory
2006 Fall Beethoven’s Nine Symphonies
2006 Summer Practical Music Theory
2006 Spring A Practical Introduction to Harmony
2005 Fall Handel’s
2005 Summer A
Practical Introduction to Music Theory
2005 Spring Handel and Georgian England
Teaching evaluations
Department of Music,
Stanford University (Teaching Fellow):
2004 Winter Elements
of Music II
2003 Fall Elements
of Music I
2003 Spring Elements
of Music III
2002 Fall Introduction
to Music Theory
1999 Fall Mozart’s
Instrumental Music
1999 Winter Music
History until 1750
1998 Fall The Music of J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel
1998 Spring Talking
about Music
1998 Winter Introduction
to Music
1997 Fall Introduction
to Music Theory
Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece (Lecturer):
1989–1991 Music Theory I
1989–1991 Piano I
- 2017
(Spring) music director, The
Good Person of Szechwan, Department
of Theater and Performances Studies, Stanford University
- 2017– teaching staff (piano/music
theory), New Mozart School of Music, Palo Alto.
- 2013–2015 technical staff (digitizing CCARH’s
printed archive for the Packard Humanities Institute).
- 2012– pianist, Sunday service,
various churches in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- 2012– music director and piano
accompanist, “Hope Musical Theatre,” Palo Alto.
- 2010 executive assistant, “Game Theory,
Drama, & Opera” workshop (organized by Steffen Huck and Sir Peter
Jonas), July 6–7, University College London.
- 2008–2009 research and editorial assistant, Richard Wagner and His
World, ed. Thomas S. Grey (Princeton and Oxford, 2009).
- 2007 exhibition curator,
“Celebrating Handel in Georgian England,” Houghton Library,
Harvard University
- 2006–2008 research and editorial assistant, The Cambridge Companion to
Wagner, ed. Thomas S. Grey (Cambridge, 2008).
- 2004–2008 music director and piano accompanist,
“Hope Musical Theatre,” Palo Alto.
- 2004 musicological advisor,
“Hellenic Festival” (28, 30 October, 6 November), The New York Public
Library for the Performing Arts, New York City
- 2003 referee for the Journal of the American Musicological
- 2003,
Aug 5 panel chair, “Music and
Words,” 11th
Quadrennial Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century
Studies (ISECS), UCLA
- 2002,
Oct finalist, regular columnist
search, The Stanford Daily
- 2002–2004 research associate to a non-profit
- 2002,
2003 coordinator, photo exhibit
on world development problems, “Rhythms” hunger relief concert, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Stanford University (24/02/02,
- 2001,
Dec 4 organizer, “The Miracle
behind the Miracles,” lecture and slide-show by
Buddy Piper, Bechtel
International Center, Stanford University
- 2001,
Dec. 1 organizer, “A Spiritual
Perspective on the September 11 Attacks: Panel Discussion and Public
Forum,” Stanford Humanities Center
- 2001–2003 organizer, photo exhibit on world
development problems, United Nations
Association Film Festival (UNAFF), Stanford University (25–28 October
2001, 24–27 October 2002, 1 May 2003, 22–26 October 2003)
- 2000–2002 published author of three books of
fiction in Greek
- 2000–2001 desk assistant, Media &
Microtext, Stanford University Libraries
- 2000–2001 piano accompanist for “Ballet I,” Stanford University
Dance Division
- 1999–2000 administrative assistant, “Ron
Alexander Memorial Lectures in Musicology,” Stanford University Department of Music
- 1998–2004 guest columnist, “The Stanford Daily”
- 1998–2000 co-director, “Graduate Musicology
Forum,” Stanford University
- 1998–1999 assistant, “Lully Archive,” Stanford University Music
- 1997–2003 piano recitalist, Stanford University
and Palo Alto
- 1996 musicological advisor, Nikos
Astrinidis: A Portrait, TV documentary by
Giorgos Keramidiotis, Greek Television Channel 3
- 1994–1996 office assistant (unpaid), “World
Goodwill,” London, UK
- 1989–1992 archivist and assistant to composer Nikos Astrinidis, Thessaloniki
- 1989–1991 co-founder and member of the
editorial board of the journal Mousikotropies, Department of Music Studies,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- 1989–1990 assistant to the director (unpaid),
New Conservatory of Thessaloniki
- 1983/4 various musicological projects
- 1981–1985,
c1990—present: composer
- also,
experience as a piano performer (soloist and accompanist), editor,
translator (into Greek), lecturer, recording supervisor
WRITINGS [Gr= in Greek]
Online resources
Research articles
Invited presentations
Music essays
Other writings
Online resources
- Handel Reference Database [Stanford mirror], Center
for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities (CCARH) at Stanford
University, 2008– (800,000 words).
- Spyros P. Skouras
(1893–1971), 2012– [web portal].
- Nicolas Astrinidis (1921–2010), 2012– [web portal].
- Dimitri
Mitropoulos (1896–1960), 2013– [web portal].
- Alexander Pantages
(1864/75–1936), 2013– .
- Greece’s sacrifices
during World War II (exhibit, San Francisco, 1945).
- Costa
G. Couvaras, OSS
with the Central Committee of EAM.
- Studies
in Handel Reception, 1732–1784, collection of essays on Handel, his oratorios,
and their reception in Britain before the 1784 Commemoration Festival
[proposal submitted].
- The
Music of the Count de St. Germain [edition, forthcoming].
- Charles Prince de Hesse, Mémoires – Published Writings
(Stanford, 2018) [edition].
Nicolas Astrinidis,
“Apolytikion of Saint Demetrios” (Stanford, 2021) [vocal score edition; study
Nicolas Astrinidis,
“Famed Macedonia” (Stanford, 2021) [vocal score edition; study
Nicolas Astrinidis,
“Apolytikion of the Resurrection” (Stanford, 2021) [vocal score edition; study
- Nicolas
Astrinidis, “National Anthem of Greece”
(Stanford, 2021) [music edition; study
- Nicolas
Astrinidis, “Thourios
by Rigas” (Stanford, 2021) [vocal score edition; study
- Nicolas Astrinidis, Symphony “1821”
(Stanford, 2018) [full score edition].
- John
Mainwaring, Memoirs
of the Life of the late George Frederic Handel (Stanford, 2015)
- Helena
Paderewska, Paderewski:
The Struggle for Polish Independence (1910-1920) (Stanford, 2015)
- CinemaScope:
Selected Documents from the Spyros P. Skouras Archive (Stanford, 2013) [edition].
- The
Files: Selected Documents from the Spyros P. Skouras Archive (Stanford, 2013) (Kindle
edition) [edition].
- Spyros
P. Skouras, Memoirs (1893–1953) (Stanford, 2013) [compilation and
edition]; listed in Peter Lev, “Hollywood
Studios,” Oxford Bibliographies; reviewed in Sunday Vima,
March 10, 2013; The
Pappas Post, March 22, 2013; Kelsey Geiser, “Stanford
scholar sheds light on Greek immigrant’s rags-to-riches story,” Stanford
News Service, May 23, 2013 (Spanish version: “La vida de Spyros P. Skouras, magnate de la industria cinematográfica en 86 cajas de documentos prácticamente intactos en la Universidad
de Stanford,” Archivólogo -
blog de archivo - Lic. Carmen Marín, 24 May 2013); Kelly
Fields, “Ilias
Chrissochoidis’ book, Spyros P. Skouras, Memoirs (1893–1953),”
Stanford University Libraries News, August 27, 2013.
Research articles
at sixty (1745): New insights on Handel’s darkest hour” [15,000 words, in
final stages].
“A Handelian piracy during
a ‘Handel’ Year” [in preparation].
“Farinelli sings Handel” [in preparation].
“Handel and crime” [in preparation].
“From the music historian’s desk: Burney
researching the Royal Academy of Music” [in preparation].
“Art as Cause – Social transformation through
Oratorio performances: A proposal” [working paper].
“Cognitive perspectives in Wagner’s Parsifal,” jointly with Steffen Huck
[working paper].
a dictionary to a novel’: A C.P.E. Bach entry in Beethoven’s Op. 2, No. 3?”
[10,100 words, under revision].
Reference Database (HRD) and the challenges of scholarly entrepreneurship”
“Μουσικός Πλατωνισμός στην Ελισαβετιανή Αναγέννηση [Musical Platonism in Elizabethan
Renaissance]” [9,750 words, under review].
missing reference to Lohengrin in Nietzsche’s The Case of Wagner”
Μεραρχία και
“Alexander Pantages in San Francisco: Earliest
sources on his life in the United States” [forthcoming].
“Mission compromised: William Nesbitt Chambers
warns against the French withdrawal from Cilicia (1921)” [submitted].
Δοξιάδη» και ο
της επίλογος” [forthcoming].
Ολοκαύτωμα: Το
υπόμνημα του H. C. Jaquith
στο ναύαρχο Bristol” [forthcoming].
“A century-old debt: The plight of Northern
Epirotes for self-determination,” The Journal of Modern Hellenism
Cyprus through art: Cypriot Rhapsody (1944) by Nicolas Astrinidis,” American
Journal of Contemporary Hellenic Issues 15
(Winter 2024–2025).
Akritas: Excavating Modern Greek History in the Hoover Institution Archives,”
Journal of Contemporary Hellenic Issues 15
(Winter 2024–2025).
Shoes!’ American postwar humanitarianism in the papers of Anna Howell Hayward
(1908–2001),” NEO Magazine (October 2024), 8.
“Papadiamantis and the symphonic
idiom: Sto Hristo sto Kastro (1991) by Nicolas Astrinidis,”
διαχρονία του Παπαδιαμάντη:
Πρακτικά Δ' Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου
(Εταιρεία Παπαδιαμαντικών Σπουδών,
2024), 645–658.
Parisienne” Goes to the Opera: Maria Callas as Priestess, NEO Magazine,
June–July 2024, 18–19.
“‘But I mustn’t let myself be [a]
Philhellene’: Arnold J. Toynbee’s unpublished correspondence in the Hoover
Institution archives (January–May 1921),” The Journal of Modern Hellenism 36
(2024), 103–172.
Burning of Smyrna: H. C. Jaquith’s Report to Admiral Bristol,” American Journal of Contemporary Hellenic
Issues 14 (Summer 2023).
“John Steinbeck in
Mykonos,” pappaspost,
20 June 2023.
victim of his obstinate devotion to the cause of the unhappy Armenian race”:
The Murder of Rev. George P. Knapp (1915), Journal of the
Society for Armenian Studies 29 (2022).
‘Doxiadis’ Exhibition and its American Epilogue,”
NEO Magazine (March 2023), 8–9. [online]
“Astrinidis’s ‘Ithaka’: Settling in
Thessaloniki,” 49–56, in Conference
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Hellenic Symphonic Bands:
“Wind ensembles: historical retrospect, journey, and transition in times of
pandemic,” Thessaloniki, June 25–27 2021, ed. by Kostis Hassiotis,
Evangelia Kikou, and Christos Pouris
(Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia, 2022).
“Ο Πέτρος και ο Στάινμπεκ [Petros and Steinbeck],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 18 September
2022, “Βιβλία”
6 (18).
παρασκήνια της
επανάστασης του
1922 [The unknown background of the Revolution of 1922],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 17
July 2022, A30 (54).
the Shores of the Aegean to the Edge of the Pacific: A tribute to Alexander
Pantages (1864/75–1936),” NEO
Magazine (April 2022), 54–55.
“Η οικονομική πολιτική της Ένωσης Κέντρου [The economic policy of the Center Union party],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 10
April 2022, A38 (62); Οικονομικός Ταχυδρόμος,
17 April 2022 (online).
most influential Greek since Alexander the Great? A reappraisal of Spyros P.
Skouras,” NEO Magazine (December 2021), 48–50. [pdf]
humanities treasure in the heart of Silicon Valley,” Stanford Libraries Blog, 14 December 2021.
“Aπό τη
Σαλονίκη στη
Θεσσαλονίκη: η
µαρτυρία του
Ζακ Αµπραβανέλ,” Το
ΒΗΜΑ, 31 October
2021, 46–47 (“Νέες
Εποχές,” 6–7).
Ομογένεια στον
πόλεμο: Νέα
στοιχεία για
τη βοήθεια της
προς την
εμπόλεμη και
κατεχόμενη Ελλάδα
από τα αρχεία
του Σπύρου Π.
Σκούρα,” Το
ΒΗΜΑ, 27 December 2020, 34 (“Βιβλία”:
συμβολή της
κατά την
Κατοχή”, To Vima, 26 January 2020, A32 (56).
Χρουστσόφ” [original title: “Όταν ο
τον «αδελφό του
Έλληνα»”], To Vima, Sunday 15 October 2017, 8:8.
music genius, or Handel on the balance: A scale of musical merit from 1776,”
WZB Discussion Paper, SP II 2016–311, December 2016.
cultural space: The public molding of Esther
into an English oratorio (1732),” WZB Discussion Paper, SP II 2016–310,
December 2016.
the garden of Diaspora to the cell of repatriation: Hellenism in the life and
works of Nikos Astrinidis,” Aspects of
Hellenism in Music [in production].
“‘Though this be
madness, yet there is method in’t’: A Counterfactual
Analysis of Richard Wagner’s Tannhäuser,” jointly with Heike Harmgart, Steffen Huck, and Wieland Müller, Music &
Letters 95:4 (November 2014), 584–602.
“How Skouras Led Community in WWII’s
Greatest Foreign Aid Campaign,” The
National Herald, 3 August
“Musical References in the
Jennens–Holdsworth Correspondence (1729–46),” jointly with Amanda
Babington, Royal Musical
Association Research Chronicle
45:1 (2014), 76–129.
“Εκατό χρόνια από τις μεγάλες αλλαγές στην Ήπειρο [One Hundred Years from the Partition of Epirus],” Kathimerini, 27 July 2014; reprinted with parallel Albanian translation,,
19 February 2017; reprinted in “Ελεύθερος
Λόγος Αργυροκάστρου,”
27 February 2017.
“Άγνωστες πτυχές γύρω από το Κυπριακό [Unknown aspects of the Cyprus problem],” Kathimerini, 29 June 2014.
“‘Είμ’ ένα όμορφο αγόρι’ [‘I am a beautiful boy’],” Kathimerini, 22 June 2014, 5.
“Αναζητώντας το αμερικανικό Δίστομο [Searching for an American Distomo],” Kathimerini, 15 June 2014,
“Πώς ο Χατζιδάκις πανικόβαλε το Χόλιγουντ [How Hadjidakis scared Hollywood],” ToVIMA, 6 April 2014.
στρατηγός της
αφηγείται… [A Wermacht
general reminisces],” To VIMA, 9 March 2014, A23.
“Έγγραφα του ΕΛΑΣ στην Αμερική
[ELAS documents in America],” Kathimerini, 9 March 2014.
“Ο μεγάλος αγνοημένος ευεργέτης του έθνους [Greece’s neglected national benefactor],” Kathimerini, 2 June 2013
[original title: “Εθνικός
Η προσφορά
του Σκούρα
στην μεταπολεμική
Ελλάδα [National
Benefactor: Skouras’ contributions in postwar Greece]”]; reprinted in, 28 March 2017.
pairing in Fidelio: A structuralist approach,” College Music
Symposium 52 (2013) [online].
annotated wordbook of The Beggar’s Opera (1728),” jointly with Richard
Virr, Notes & Queries 60/1 (March
2013), 111–113.
oratorio and the sublime according to John Baillie,” Göttinger Händel-Beiträge 14 (2012), 253–263.
Master Stands: Rare Brahms Photos in the Library of Congress,” Fontes Artis Musicae
59/1 (January–March 2012), 39–44.
“Ο επισιτισμός της Ελλάδας στην Κατοχή: Στοιχεία από το αρχείο του Σπύρου Σκούρα [How Spyros Skouras fed the Greeks
during the country’s occupation by the Nazis],” Kathimerini,
18 December 2011, 27.
“An emblem of modern
music: temporal symmetry in the prologue of L’Orfeo
(1607),” Early Music 39/4 (November 2011), 519–530.
Handel: John Brown and The Cure of Saul (1763),” Journal of the
Royal Musical Association 136/2 (2011), 207–245.
“Ο Σεφέρης και η Αμερική [Σεφέρης-Στραβίνσκι-Χάρβαρντ: η άγνωστη σχέση του ποιητή με το κορυφαίο πανεπιστήμιο / Seferis-Stravinsky-Harvard: the
unknown links of the poet with the university],” Το Βήμα της Κυριακής
[The Sunday Vima], 25 September 2011, 14–15.
Carolina’s list of monthly expenses, January–February 1727/8,” Notes & Queries 58/3
(September 2011), 401–403.
reason: On beliefs and motives in Wagner’s Lohengrin,” jointly with Steffen Huck, Cambridge Opera
Journal 22/1 (2010), 65–91.
references in Richard Pococke’s early correspondence (1734–7),” Newsletter
of The American Handel Society 26/1 (Spring 2011), 5–6.
References in Richard Pococke’s Early Correspondence
(1734–37),” Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Newsletter 17
(September 2010–April 2011), 5.
“ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Μία συμφωνική, ένα αφεντικό και δύο μνηστήρες” [original title: “Ανέκδοτη αλληλογραφία του Μητρόπουλου στην Βιβλιοθήκη του Κογκρέσου / Unpublished correspondence of
Mitropoulos in the Library of Congress”], Το Βήμα της Κυριακής
[The Sunday Vima], 9 January 2011, B2: 6–7.
author’s fee: John Mainwaring’s Handel biography (1760),” Notes and
Queries 57/4 (December 2010), 546–548.
... llelujah’: Handel among the Vauxhall Asses (1732),”
Eighteenth-Century Music 7/2 (September 2010), 221–262.
Mozartiana: Wolfgang’s disputed age & early
performances of Allegri’s Miserere,” The Musical Times, vol.
151, no. 1911 (Summer 2010), 83–89.
Music of the Count of St. Germain: An Edition,” Society for
Eighteenth-Century Music Newsletter 16 (April 2010), [6–7].
Black Boy (1725),” The Handel Institute Newsletter 21/1
(Spring 2010), [7–8].
“Handel, Hogarth, Goupy: Artistic intersections in Handelian
biography,” Early Music
37/4 (November 2009), 577–596.
at a Crossroads: His 1737–1738 and 1738–1739 Seasons Re-Examined,” Music & Letters 90/4 (November
2009), 599–635.
Reception and the Rise of Music Historiography in Britain,” in Music’s
Intellectual History, ed. Zdravko Blažeković and Barbara Dobbs
Mackenzie (New York: Répertoire International de
Littérature Musicale, 2009), 387–396.
I goes to the masquerade (1721),” The Scriblerian
and the Kit-Cats 42/1 (Autumn 2009), 47–49. “Correction,” The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 42/43 (Spring 2010), 123.
δράμα στο έργο του
Νίκου Αστρινίδη:
παρατηρήσεις [Drama
in Nikos Astrinidis’ oeuvre: An Introduction],” Twentieth-Century
Greek Music Creation in Lyric Drama and other Representative Arts, ed.
George Vlastos (Athens: Friends of Music, 2009),
252–256 [Gr].
in Good Time and the Handelian
discord in 1745,” Newsletter of The American Handel Society
24/2 (Summer 2009), 1–3.
Merit always Envy rais’d’: The Advice to Mr.
Handel (1739) and Israel in Egypt’s early reception,” The Musical Times, vol.
150, no. 1906 (Spring 2009), 69–86.
Cibber’s oratorio salary in 1744–45,” The Handel Institute Newsletter
20/1 (Spring 2009), [1–2].
recovering: Fresh light on his affairs in 1737,” Eighteenth-Century
Music 5 (2008), 237–244.
oratorio in London: The 1765 season,” Händel-Jahrbuch
54 (2008), 313–327.
“Oratorio à la Mode[:
Esther and Fielding’s The Modern Husband (1732)],” Newsletter of The American Handel Society
23/1–2 (Spring–Summer 2008), 7–9.
references in The Evening Advertiser (1754–1756),” The Handel
Institute Newsletter 19/1 (Spring 2008), [4–5].
“‘It’s good to be a King,’” North American
British Music Studies Association Newsletter 4/1 (Spring 2008), online.
“La Musique du Diable (1711),”
Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Newsletter 11 (October 2007), 7–9.
as a Transitional Figure” (research paper).
Majesty’s choice: Esther in May 1732,”
Newsletter of The American Handel Society
22/2 (Summer 2007), 4–6.
is the hero fall’n!’: New Light on Handel’s Darkest
Hour (1745)” (research paper).
“A Handel
relative in Britain? (also cutting through the 1759 fence in Handel
studies),” The Musical
Times, vol. 148, no. 1898 (Spring 2007), 49–58.
‘fam’d Oratorio … in old English …
sung’: Esther on 16 May 1732,” The Handel Institute Newsletter
18/1 (Spring 2007), [4–7].
chubby Orpheus: Handel’s corpulence as a prerogative of genius,” in Consuming
Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century: Narratives of Consumption, 1700–1900,
ed. Tamara S. Wagner and Narin Hassan (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007),
‘new-fashioned Martyr’: Handel, Lady Brown, and ‘baby-boomer’ musicology”
(research paper).
Founding Father of Social Responsibility in Music? Handel in Georgian Britain”
(research paper).
Handell, Esq. (? – 1776),” Newsletter
of The American Handel Society
21/1 (Spring 2006), 1, 3.
“Set theory in
Xenakis’ EONTA,” in International Symposium Iannis Xenakis,
ed. Anastasia Georgaki and Makis Solomos (Athens: The
National and Kapodistrian University, 2005), 241–249
(jointly with Stavros Houliaras and Christos Mitsakis).
“Report, 2003–04 Aubrey Williams Research Travel
Grant,” American Society for
Eighteenth-Century Studies News Circular 136 (Fall 2005), 7–8.
‘Artusi-Monteverdi’ controversy: Background, content,
and modern interpretations,” British Postgraduate Musicology 6 (2004), online.
“A new Handel dissertation,” Newsletter of The American Handel Society
19/2 (August 2004), 5.
[“Beethoven and
Freedom: Another way of looking at things?”] The Beethoven Journal
18 (2003), 58–59.
[“Handel in
Vauxhall Gardens”], Journal of the
American Musicological Society 56 (2003), 221–224.
Faust-Symphonie and Lawrence Kramer’s reading
of the ‘Gretchen’ movement,” Journal of the American Liszt Society 50 (Autumn 2001), 9–17.
in Classical Era Instrumental Music” (research paper, fall 1998).
“Three Moments in Music Aesthetics” (paper, fall
Essay on Schenker and Some of his Intellectual Affinities with Hanslick and Schopenhauer” (research paper, spring
Heiliger Dankgesang” (research paper,
spring 1997).
Exploration of Anti-Teleological Moments in Beethoven’s Fidelio”
(research paper, winter 1997).
“Ορατόριο Άγιος Δημήτριος (1962) [Nicolas Astrinidis: Oratorio Saint
Demetrios],” Mousikotropies
1/1996, 13–20 [Gr].
of a vision for Twenty-First-Century scholarship,” Musical Objects: A Postgraduate Review 1 (1995), 65–66.
van Beethoven: Klaviersonate op. 27, nr 2 (Πρώτο Μέρος)
– Μια Ερμηνευτική Ανάλυση [Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Sonata no. 14, op. 27, no. 2,
first movement – A hermeneutic analysis],” Mousikotropies
3/1995, 40–45 [Gr].
“The Canon and how one can blow it up:
Improvisation on a commonly obscure theme” (seminar paper, April 1995).
“An Analysis of John Williams’ Star Wars
(Main Title)” (seminar paper, January 1995).
Nicolas Astrinidis:
Oratorio Saint Demetrios, booklet for CD with
extracts from the oratorio (Thessaloniki: Thalassa Records, 1994), 15 pp.
“F. Chopin: Prelude Op. 28, Αρ. 14 – Ένα
Χρήσης της
Αντίστιξης στη
Μουσική [F. Chopin: Prelude Op. 28, no. 14. An example of monophonic counterpoint in Romantic music],”
Mousikotropies 1/94, 23–31 [Gr].
or Stratfordian Theory?” (seminar paper, June 1992).
“Dinu Lipatti (1917–1950),” Mousikotropies
1/1991, 23–31 [Gr].
“Το καθήκον στη Ζωή/Έργο του Δημήτρη Μητρόπουλου [Duty in the Life/Work of Dimitris
Mitropoulos],” Mousikotropies
3/1990, 63–74 [Gr].
“Η τέλεια εξάσκηση των δακτύλων [The Perfect Training of the
Fingers: in their Combination, with the Restriction of non-repeating the Same
Finger in Each Combination]” (method), Mousiki
Periodiki Ekdosi 1
(April 1989), 35–40 [Gr]; reviewed and partly reprinted in Chronis Moysiadis
and Haralampos
C. Spyridis, Applied Mathematics in the Science of Music
(Thessaloniki: Ziti, 1994), 87–90, 219–25.
Invited Presentations
- “The Life and Legacy of
Spiros P. Skouras, America’s Most Influential Hellenic Immigrant,” The East Mediterranean Business
Cultural Alliance (EMBCA, Inc.), 23 March 2025.
- “Nicolas Astrinidis’
Symphony 1821: Casting the rise of modern Greece in
sound,” Musicology
and Music Librarianship in Cultural Context in Honour
of Stephanie Merakos, The Friends of Music Society
at Megaron – The Athens Concert Hall, 20–21 February 2025.
- “Quantifying music genius, or Handel on
the balance: A scale of musical merit from 1776,” The Lewis Walpole Library,
Yale University, 2 December 2022.
- “Nicolas
Astrinidis’ Symphony
“1821”: Casting the rise of modern Greece in sound,” in
“Performing National Identity: Commemorations, Institutions, and Rituals.
Conference for the celebration of the bicentennial of the 1821 Greek
Revolution,” Thessaloniki, Greece, 24–26 September 2021. [cancelled]
- “Papadiamantis and the symphonic
idiom: Sto Hristo, sto Kastro (1991) by Nicolas Astrinidis,”
International Papadiamantis Conference, Society of Papadiamantis
Studies, Athens, 14–15 October 2021. [video]
- “Νίκος Αστρινίδης: Η δεύτερη εκατονταετία,” round table, “6th
International Conference of Hellenic Symphonic Bands,” University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki,
25–27 June 2021.
- “Astrinidis’
Ithaka: Settling in Thessaloniki,” “6th International
Conference of Hellenic Symphonic Bands,” University
of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, 25–27 June 2021.
- “2021
Έτος Νίκου
Αστρινίδη,” Εκδήλωση
μνήμης για τη
οχτώ χρόνων από
το θάνατο του
και πιανίστα
Αστρινίδη, Ano Toumpa Cultural Center, Thessaloniki, 25 January 2019.
- “Art
as Cause: The social impact of Handel’s oratorios,” “Music as Art:
Theory, Philosophy, and the Western Canon – Celebration for Karol Berger
on his 70th Birthday,” Stanford University, 27–28 October 2017.
- “Νίκος Αστρινίδης: Ζωή και Έργο” [“Nicolas Astrinidis:
Life and Works”], Εκδήλωση μνήμης για τη συμπλήρωση πέντε χρόνων από το θάνατο του μεγάλου Θρακιώτη συνθέτη, αρχιμουσικού και πιανίστα Νίκου Αστρινίδη, Thracian Hearth of Thessaloniki, February 20, 2016.
- “Από τον Αστρινίδη
στον Χαίντελ και
από τον Μητρόπουλο
στον Σκούρα:
Η αρχειοδύσσεια
ενός Έλληνα
[“From Astrinidis to Handel and from Mitropoulos
to Skouras: The Archodyssey of a Greek
researcher”], Music Library of Greece “Lilian Voudouri,”
Megaron – The Athens Concert Hall,
February 18, 2016.
- “An Evening with
Handel,” Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, Cupertino,
July 18, 2014.
- “An Evening with Vivaldi,” Institute
for the Study of Western Civilization, Cupertino, May 9, 2014.
- graduate seminar (“Handel”), Faculty of
Music, Cambridge University, Cambridge, May 27, 2013.
- Pacific
Southwest and Northern California AMS chapters joint meeting,
University of California, Berkeley, April 28–29, 2012: “‘Though
this be madness, yet there is method in’t’: A
Counterfactual Analysis of Richard Wagner’s Tannhäuser”
(co-authored by Heike Harmgart, Steffen Huck,
and Wieland Müller)
- “The
Theory, Practice and Business of Opera Today,” Leeds University Centre
for Opera Studies, University of Leeds, April 12–14, 2012: “‘Though
this be madness, yet there is method in’t’: A
Counterfactual Analysis of Richard Wagner’s Tannhäuser,”
(co-authored by Heike Harmgart, Steffen Huck,
and Wieland Müller) [withdrawn]
- Noon
Lecture, Whittall Pavilion, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 18
May 2011: “From the
London Stage to Westminster Abbey: Cultural Mobility of Handel’s Oratorios
in Britain, 1732-1784”
- “Early
Modern Women in the Arts,” West Chester University, 16 April 2011: “A
‘new-fashioned Martyr’: Handel, Lady Brown, and ‘baby-boomer’ musicology”
- American Musicological
Society Capital Chapter meeting, Washington, D.C., 2 April 2011: “Dramatic
pairing in Fidelio: A structuralist approach”
- 16th
Biennial Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music, University of
Southampton, 8–11 July 2010: “Dramatic
pairing in Fidelio: A structuralist approach”
- “Game Theory,
Drama, & Opera,” University College London, 6–7 July 2010:
“‘Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t’:
A Counterfactual Analysis of Tannhäuser’s Dilemma” (co-authored by Heike Harmgart, Steffen Huck, and Wieland Müller)
- “Directions
in Musical Research” seminar, Institute of Musical Research, University of
London, 18 February 2010: “Handel,
Us and Them: Reflections on Handelian
- “Music
and the Moving Image,” New York University, 29–31 May 2009: “Sid
Caesar, ‘Argument to Beethoven’s Fifth’: A Comic Misreading of Cultural
- “Purcell,
Handel, Haydn, and Mendelssohn: Anniversary reflections,” New
College, Oxford, 27–29 March 2009: “Handel
as a Transitional Figure”
- “Greek
music for the opera and other forms of the performing arts in the 20th
century,” Megaron, The Athens Concert Hall, Greece, 27–28 March 2009:
δράμα στο έργο
του Νίκου Αστρινίδη:
[Drama in Nikos Astrinidis’ oeuvre: An Introduction]”
- Third
Biennial Conference of the North American British Music Studies
Association, York University, Toronto, 31 July–3 August 2008: “A
Founding Father of Social Responsibility in Music? Handel in Georgian Britain”
- 39th
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
Portland, OR, 27–30 March 2008: “Public Discipline and Handel’s Oratorios”
- 18th Congress of
the International Musicological Society, University of Zurich, 10–15
July 2007: “Handel
as a Transitional Figure”
- 2007 American Handel
Festival, Princeton University, 19–21 April 2007: “‘How
is the hero fall’n!’: New Light on Handel’s
Darkest Hour (1745)”
- 29th
Annual Meeting of the Society for Music Theory (jointly with AMS),
“Scholars for Social Responsibility” session, Los Angeles, 2–5 November
2006: “A
Founding Father of Social Responsibility in Music? Handel in Georgian Britain”
- Second
Biennial Conference of the North American British Music Studies
Association, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, VT, 4–5 August 2006: “A
‘Scale to Measure the Merits of Musicians’ (1776)”
- Twelfth
Biennial Conference on Baroque Music, University of Warsaw, Poland, 26–30
July 2006: “Born in the Press: The
Political Context of Handel’s Esther (1732)”
- “Music
and Consciousness,” University of Sheffield, UK, 17–19 July 2006: “Cyril
Scott’s Musical Platonism”
- Interdisciplinary
Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS) International Conference 2006, Durham
University, UK, 6–9 July 2006: “Couples
and Coupling in Beethoven’s Fidelio”
- Annual
joint meeting of the Pacific Southwest and Northern California AMS chapters,
University of California, Berkeley, 6–7 May 2006: “Handel, Lady Brown, and
Baby-Boomer Musicology” [cancelled]
- “Aspects
of Hellenism in Music,” Music Megaron of Athens, Athens, Greece, 5–7 May
2006: “From
the Garden of Diaspora to the Cell of Repatriation: Hellenism in the Life
and Works of Nikos Astrinidis”
- 37th
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
Montreal, Quebec, 30 March–2 April 2006: “Handelian
oratorio and the sublime according to John Baillie (1747),”
- 35th
Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
St Hugh’s College, Oxford, UK, 4–6 January 2006: “Building the Empire on
Sound Art: John Brown’s Reform of Handelian
Oratorio, 1763” [cancelled]
- “Romania-Enescu-Europe,”
The City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, 1–2 December
2005: “From
Romanian Folklore to Greek Nationalism: The Cultural Migration of Nikos Astrinidis (1921–)”
- “Politics
[AND/IN] Aesthetics International Conference,” Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece / University of Veliko Turnovo,
Bulgaria, 4–9 June 2005: “National Regeneration through Art: John Brown’s
Reform of Handelian Oratorio, 1763”
- International
Symposium Iannis Xenakis, University of Athens / University of Montpellier
3, Athens, Greece, 18–20 May 2005: “Set
theory in Xenakis’ EONTA” (in collaboration with Stavros Houliaras and Christos Mitsakis)
- Annual
joint meeting of the Pacific Southwest and Northern California AMS
chapters, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 30 April—1 May
2005: “Sid Caesar, ‘Argument to Beethoven’s Fifth’: A Comic Misreading of
Cultural Consequence”
- 36th Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Las
Vegas, 31 March–3 April 2005: “Quantifying Genius: British Adaptations of
de Piles’ Scale of Painters”
- 2005
Joint Meetings of College Music Society Pacific Central Chapter, West
Coast Conference for Music Theory and Analysis, and Rocky Mountain Society
for Music Theory, University of San Francisco, 18–20 March 2005: “Chopin’s ‘Prelude’ Op. 28, No. 14: A
Case of Monophonic Counterpoint in Romantic Music” (March 19)
- The
American Handel Society Conference, Santa Fe, NM, 17–20 March 2005: “Born
in the Press: The Public Molding of Handel’s Esther into an English Oratorio” (March 18)
- “Music’s
Intellectual History: Founders, Followers & Fads,” The City
University of New York Graduate Center, 16–19 March 2005: “Handel’s
Reception and the Rise of Music Historiography in Britain” (March 17)
- 34th
Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
St Hugh’s College, Oxford, UK, 6–8 January 2005: “Quantifying Genius:
British Adaptations of de Piles’ Scale of Painters”
- “Britannia
(Re-)Sounding,” The First North American British Music Studies Association
Biannual Conference, Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, Oberlin, OH,
18–19 June 2004: “From Stage to Cathedral: Cultural Mobility of English
Oratorio in 18th-Century Britain”
- Annual
joint meeting of the Pacific Southwest and Northern California AMS
chapters, University of San Francisco, 1–2 May 2004: “Quantifying Genius:
Justice Balance’s ‘hit parade’ of Composers, 1776”
- Renaissance
Conference of Southern California, The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA,
20–21 February 2004: “An
Advertisement of Music’s Power?
Temporal Symmetry in the Prologue of L’Orfeo”
- 33rd Annual
Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St
Hugh’s College, Oxford, 3–5 January 2004: “Born in the Press: The Public
Molding of Handel’s Esther into
an English Oratorio”
- 11th Quadrennial
Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,
University of California, Los Angeles, 3–9 August 2003: “National
Regeneration through Art: John Brown’s Reform of Handelian
Oratorio, 1763”
- Annual
joint meeting of the Pacific Southwest and Northern California AMS
chapters, California State University, Fullerton, 3–4 May 2003: “Born in
the Press: The Public Molding of Handel’s Esther into an English Oratorio”
- The
American Handel Festival, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, 27
February–2 March 2003: “Re-Inventing a Genre: John Brown’s Reception of Handelian Oratorio”
- Winter
meeting of the Northern California AMS chapter, University of San
Francisco, 8 February 2003: “‘As
a dictionary to a novel’: A C.P.E. Bach entry in Beethoven’s Op. 2, No. 3?”
- 68th
meeting of the American Musicological Society, Columbus, OH, 31 October–3
November 2002: “The Doomed Challenger: John Brown’s Reform of Handelian Oratorio”
- Pacific
Southwest and Northern California AMS chapters joint meeting, Stanford
University, 27–28 April 2002: “The Doomed Challenger: John Brown’s Reform
of Handelian Oratorio”
- Fellow
lecture, Stanford Humanities Center, 14 February 2002: “Early Reception
and the Moral Claims of Handel’s Oratorios, 1732–1784”
- “Ron
Alexander Memorial Lecture in Musicology,” Stanford University, 9
April 2001: response to Reinhard Strohm, “The End of the Middle Ages and
the End of Modernity”
- Undergraduate
Seminar in Composition (instructor: Professor Melissa Hui), Stanford
University Department of Music, 13 April 1999: “Ilias Chrissochoidis, Piano
- Royal Musical Association 29th
Research Students’ Conference, Royal Holloway College, University of
London, 20–23 December 1995: “‘Was Monteverdi a Misogynist?’ and ‘Does
Anyone Really Care About It?’”
- Royal
Musical Association 28th Annual Research Students’ Conference,
University of Manchester, December 1994: “Towards the Emancipation of the
Musical Work”
- Armenian
Cultural Center, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 1993: “The Life and Works of
Nicolas Astrinidis”
- School of English, University of
Liverpool, June 1992: “Baconian or Stratfordian Theory?”
Music Essays
- “Saved by (English) grace”
[1200 words].
- “René Descartes, Compendium
musicae (1618)” [under review] [Gr].
- “Infernal
diva” [1500 words].
- “Brown,
John,” MGG-Online, February
- “Τα Πάθη και η Ανάσταση του Χαίντελ [The Passion and Resurrection of Handel]” [25 April 2016],
The Huffington Post Greece, 30
April 2017.
- “έτος Robert Schumann: Η Συμφωνία αρ. 1, έργο 38,” Πολύτονον 42 (September–October 2010), 37–39, and 43
(November–December), 42–43 [Gr].
- “Η
θεωρία των
συνόλων στα
Ξενάκη” (jointly with Χρίστος
Μητσάκης and Σταύρος
Χουλιαράς), Πολύτονον
43 (November–December 2010), 21–23 [Gr].
- “Η πρόσληψη του Handel από τον Mozart [Mozart’s Reception of
Handel],” Πολύτονον 38 (January–February 2010), 22–23, and 39 (March 2010),
40–41 [Gr].
- “Composed in Hypocricy”
[original title: “Music, torture, and the drama of American musicology”],
Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 55, no. 35, Friday 8 May 2009,
(14 May 2009).
- “György Ligeti, Zehn
Stücke für Bläserquintett
(1968): Κομμάτι αρ.
3 ‘Lento’,” Πολύτονον 31 (November–December 2008), 25–27 [Gr].
- “Το νέο look του
Μότσαρτ: Η
ανακάλυψης,” Πολύτονον
29 (July–August 2008), 26–29 [Gr].
- “Η
ανακάλυψη της
χρονιάς είναι
... εικαστική:
Ένα νέο
πορτραίτο του
Μότσαρτ,” ΒΗΜΑ
Ιδεών 14 (June 2008), 4–5 [Gr].
- “Political History of Greece in the
20th Century: A Musicotropic Attempt
toward National Self-Awareness,” Πολύτονον 15 (March–April 2006), 27–29 [February 2005; Gr].
- “[MVAM]”
(diagnostic statement, 26 October 2005).
- “Amateur
Suicide or Professional Execution?
The Fate of Musical Objects” (letter to the editor of British
Postgraduate Musicology, 31 July 2002).
- “Η Όπερα στην
Αυλή του
Mannheim, 1742–1778 [Opera at Mannheim Court, 1742–1778],” Mousikotropies 40–41 (1–2/2002), 21–25 [Gr].
- “Nicolas Astrinidis:
Pianist-Composer-Conductor. Live Recordings,” CD liner notes
(Thessaloniki: Thalassa Records, 200?).
- “The Early Years of Alexander the
Great,” oratorio by Nicolas Astrinidis
(program notes), 7 February 2002, Symphony
Orchestra of the Municipality of Thessaloniki concert [Gr].
- “Aesthetic Ingenuity or Historical
Authenticity?” (news story, –14 March 1999) [Gr].
- “Nicolas Astrinidis:
The Youth of Alexander the Great,”
liner notes for CD with extracts from the oratorio (Thessaloniki: Thalassa
Records, 1998).
- “Jean-Philippe Rameau: Traité de l’Harmonie
(1722) (1st Book),” translated into Greek by Sakis Laios, Mousikotropies 2/1998, 13–18 [Gr].
- program
notes, recital for two pianos, Nicolas Astrinidis,
J. Prunner, 30 May 1996, Italian Institute, Thessaloniki.
- “Johann Sebastian Bach: Overtüre nach Französischen Art (BWV 831),” Mousikotropies 4/1995, 42–49 [Gr].
- “Nicolas Astrinidis:
Fantaisie Concertante, op. 19 (1949),” program notes, Thessaloniki
State Symphony Orchestra, 1 June 1995 [Gr].
- “Examples of Applying Speculative
Thinking on Musical Phenomena” (translation of Joscelyn Godwin,
Harmonies of Heaven and Earth: The Spiritual Dimension of Music from
Antiquity to the Avant-Garde [London: Thames and Hudson, 1987]), Mousikotropies 4/1994, 38–47 [Gr].
- “Theme – Music: A Catalyst for the
Synthesis of Sciences,” Mousikotropies
4/1994, 28 [Gr].
- “‘The Artistic Creation must be a
Challenge...When a Young Composer indulges in Mannerism, He also dies
Young’: a Conversation with Theodore Antoniou” (interview), Mousikotropies 4/1994, 19–28; partially
reprinted in Avgi, 31 December 2018 [Gr].
- “Manos Hadjidakis:
in Obscuritatem,” Mousikotropies
3/1994, 18–19 [Gr].
- “Beethoven’s Place in Music History”
(translation of Barry Cooper’s article from The Beethoven Compendium: A
Guide to Beethoven’s life and music, ed. by Barry Cooper et al.
[London: Thames and Hudson, 1991]), Mousikotropies
2/1994, 41–43 [Gr].
- “Music in Kircher’s Work”
(translation of chapter six [“Music”] of Joscelyn Godwin,
Athanasius Kircher: a Renaissance Man and the Quest for Lost Knowledge
[London: Thames and Hudson, 1979]), Mousikotropies
3–4/1993, 70–77 [Gr].
- “Music and Philosophy: The End of the
Music,” Mousikotropies 3–4/1993,
59–61 [Gr].
- “Theme: Three-Dimensional Scores,”
Mousikotropies 2/1993, 56 [Gr].
- “An Essay on Rhythm,” Mousikotropies 2/1993, 48–55 [Gr].
- “A Conversation with Nicolas Astrinidis” (interview), Mousikotropies
1/1993, 26–31 [Gr].
- “Theme (The Influence of the
Frequency Environment on Human Beings),” Mousikotropies
3/1992, 61 [Gr].
- “The Cross in Musical Creation and
Re-creation,” Mousikotropies 3/1992,
59–61 [Gr].
- “Sight Reading (prima vista):
Performance Ability or also Interpretation Technique?” Mousikotropies 1/1992, 61–63 [Gr].
- “A Letter to Mozart after ‘Mozart’s
Year,” Mousikotropies 1/1992, 8–10
- “Nicolas Astrinidis:
Sto Christo, sto
Kastro,” program notes, Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra, 19
December 1991 [Gr].
- “Tradition: the
Double-Edged Sword of Civilization,” Mousikotropies
3/1991, 58–63 [Gr].
- “Music and Cooking: Piano-Barbecue,”
Mousikotropies 3/1991, 12–14 [Gr].
- “The Transposition Principle as a
Manifestation of the Multifieldity [= Multifield
State] of the Universe,” Mousikotropies
2/1991, 60–61 [Gr].
- “The Musical Work: a High Energy Transformer,” Mousikotropies
1/1991, 63–64 [Gr].
- “Specialization in Musical Life:
Conquest or Hindrance?” Mousikotropies
4/1990, 76–77 [Gr].
- “Manifestations of Medicity [= Mediating Function] in Musical Creation
and Re-creation,” Mousikotropies
4/1990, 32–35 [Gr].
- “‘The Bird, the Mediocre Person,
and the Being Existing on a Low Evolutionary Level’ (A-sopou’s
Tale) and the Case of Dimitris Mitropoulos,” Mousikotropies
3/1990, 11–17 [Gr].
- “Theme (What is Music?),” Mousiki Periodiki Ekdosi 2/3 (April 1990), 27 [Gr].
- “Plan of a Method for a more
thorough Approach of the Musical Work,” Mousiki
Periodiki Ekdosi
2/3 (April 1990), 18–27 [Gr].
- “What is Music? A Quest for a
Definition of Music. Injective part,” Mousikotropies
2/1990, 54–62 [Gr].
- “What is Music? A Quest for a
Definition of Music. Second Part: Towards a Quest for a Definition of
Music. First Section: Three Fundamental Propositions,” Mousikotropies 1/1990, 38–43 [Gr].
- “What is Music? A Quest for a
Definition of Music. First Part: On Definition in general,” Mousikotropies, announcement issue (November
1989), 17–28 [Gr].
Other Writings
- “Sharing
as Practice” (program notes to personal piano recital, 6 February 2002).
- “A
Spiritual Perspective on the September 11 Attacks: Panel Discussion and
Public Forum” (introductory remarks, 1 December 2001).
- “On
the UN’s Peace Nobel Prize” (program notes to personal piano recital, 17
October 2001).
- “The
Case for Sharing” (program notes to personal piano recital, 4 April 2001).
- “You
are right…but I’m not convinced” (entry for the “Center of Teaching and
Learning Speech” contest, 1 November 2000).
- “A 1767 UFO Sighting?”
(communication to various UFO-research electronic boards, 27 August 2000).
- “Religion,
Morality, and the University,” The
Thinker 6/1 (October 1999), 3, 5.
- “1999
Stanford Founders’ Day Speech” (competition entry, 22 February 1999).
- “1998
Stanford Founders’ Day Speech” (competition entry, 20 February 1998).
- “A Meditation
on Time and History” (essay, 30 November 1995) [also in Gr].
(major themes: defending the Humanities in a
corporate academia
uniting personal spiritual freedom and social justice)
- Η
Επιστροφή του
Χριστού και οι
της στην
Κρίση: Μια
Έρευνα-Κατάθεση (Thessaloniki, 2011) [Gr].
- “Ζητείται
(op-ed, 547 words, 17 April 2010) [Gr].
- “Κυβέρνηση
ανάγκης” (op-ed, 518 words, 14 February 2010) [Gr].
- “Misalignment:
viewing global recession from a cosmic perspective” (column, 872 words, 12
September 2009).
- “Εκλογές ή μνημόσυνο;”
(op-ed, 386 words, 6 September 2009) [Gr].
- “Μέρες Αποκάλυψης”
(1809 words, 14 April 2009), excerpts posted in troktiko
blog, Sunday 24 May 2009 [Gr].
- “Πρόβα Αποκάλυψης”
(column, 951 words, 23 December 2008), Kathimerini, Tuesday 6
January 2009, 11 [Gr].
- “Πρωθυπουργός
Ευθύνης,” troktiko blog, Wednesday 8 October 2008 [Gr].
- “Δαυλός”
[excerpt from
Ευθύνης”], To Vima, Saturday 4 October 2008 [Gr].
- “Πρώτο Ανάθεμα,”
troktiko blog, 8 March 2008 [Gr].
- “Προσκόλληση
σε εικονική
[original title: “Μια
μούμια μα ποιά
μούμια;”], To Vima, 23 January 2008, A14 [Gr].
- “Η
ευκαιρία του
ΠΑΣΟΚ” (column, 5 November 2007) [Gr].
- “Η 12η
ευκαιρία για
τη νεολαία του
ΠΑΣΟΚ” (column, 29 October 2007) [Gr].
- “ΠΑσόκ
χωρίς δέος” (column, 24 October 2007), excerpted as “Ο Β.
έχει τις
απαντήσεις,” Ta Nea, 9 November 2007, 19 [Gr].
- “ΠΑΣΟΚ Romantique” (column, 19 October
2007) [Gr].
- “Ψεύτικα διλήμματα”
[original title: “Τα ψεύτικα διλήμματα τα δόλια”],
To Vima, 18 October 2007, A9 [Gr].
- “Apple
Cider Vinegar can help fight the flu” (letter, 10 November 2005).
- “Humanity
is one and indivisible” (editor’s title; letter), The Stanford
Weekly, 21 July 2005, pp. 4–5.
- “Fiorina’s fall
scratches Stanford” (column, 10 February 2005).
- “Secretary Rice a
challenge for US diplomacy” (column, 31 January 2005).
- “Berman’s
view of America utterly simplistic” (letter, 17 January 2005).
- “Where
are the WMD?” (op-ed column), The Stanford Daily, 7 October
2004, p. 6.
- “Kerry’s
secret ally?” (column, 25 August 2004).
- “Op-ed
on Iraq was deceptive” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 20 April
2004, p. ?.
- “Fundamentalist
views on Jesus hinder interfaith dialogue” (letter, 2 March 2004).
- “Current
anti-Americanism not culture-based: A Response to Russell Berman” (column,
27 January 2004).
- “What
a president should be made of: Kucinich is the right man for the job”
[original title: “The stuff that makes a president: Kucinich at Stanford”]
(op-ed column), The Stanford Daily, 11 November 2003, p. 5.
- “Harmful
Chemicals at Home” (letter, 28 March 2003).
- “Calls
for war should be matched with personal courage” (letter, 16 February
- “Crack
the Nuts! Tenure for Squirrels” (column, 2 February 2003).
- “Stanford’s
new stem cell research merits scrutiny” (op-ed column), The
Stanford Daily, 10 January 2003, p. 4.
- “Happy
Thanksgiving for All” (column, 26 November 2002).
- “A
reply to Dr Zappert [director of Stanford’s
sexual harassment policy office]” (letter, 18 November 2002).
- “Frustrated
grad student resents new sexual harassment policy [original title:
Revised policy on consensual relationships borders on social engineering]”
(op-ed column), The Stanford Daily, 11 November 2002, p. 5.
- “Carter’s Nobel Peace Prize
a call for America’s reformation” (column, 13 October 2002).
- “Success
that leaves a trace” (column, 3 October 2002).
- “Guest
column ‘twists reality’ [original title: Some habits never die]”
(letter), The Stanford Daily, 2 October 2002, p. 4.
- “Think
tanks that never think” (column, 24 September 2002).
- “‘Wonder
drug’ unworthy of front page [original title: ‘Wonder Drug’ story
phony journalism]” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 1 May 2002, p. 4.
- “Αισθητική μιζέρια [original title: Φροιξαθήνεια 2004],” Eleftherotypia,
12 April 2002 [Gr].
- “Gaudet
letter ‘succeeded’ [original title: ‘Gaudet’s column poses the right
questions’]” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 28 January 2002, p. 4.
- “Hewlett-Packard’s
Deal with Compaq a Threat to Stanford” (column, 20 January 2002).
- “UN-related
events an antidote to American isolationism” (letter), The Stanford
Daily, 5 November 2001, p. 5.
- “Student
criticizes Jim Clark’s decision [original title: ‘Suspension of
payment’ thy name is blackmail!’]” (op-ed column), The Stanford Daily,
1 October 2001, p. 4.
- “Housing
Assignment System needs Revision” (letter, 29 May 2001).
- “Film
highlights the problem of glamor at Stanford” (letter), The
Stanford Daily, 18 May 2001, p. 4.
- “The
Humanities need more than Money” (column, 6 May 2001).
- “A
Building more than a Building” (letter, 29 April 2001).
- “Fiorina
choice shows ‘nervousness’ about Stanford’s future [original title:
Commencement speaker choice anticipates Stanford’s precarious future]”
(letter), The Stanford Daily, 4 April 2001, p. 4.
- “South
Africa’s present is not beholden to its past [original title: Forget
the past if you cannot remember the present!]” (letter), The Stanford
Daily, 2 February 2001, p. 4.
- “Recent
Daily items offer unreasonable ‘wisdom’” (letter), The Stanford
Daily, 15 November 2000, p. A5.
- “Daily
should look at its own ‘corporate focus’ [original title:
Self-criticism not unhealthy]” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 19
October 2000, p. 4.
- “Kofi
Annan asks ‘Millennium Generation’ to safeguard the Environment” (news
story, 22 June 2000).
- “‘Morality’
overused in discussions on Cuba [original title: Cuba and the collapse
of ideologies]” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 11 May 2000, pp.
- “Advertisement
sends the wrong message [original title: Exactly 81 days...]”
(letter), The Stanford Daily, 31 March 2000, pp. 6–7.
- “Stiglitz
chills Davos” (column, 20 February 2000).
- “Stanford
promoting all the wrong values [original title: Tell us who you really
are, uncle Stanford!]” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 19 January
2000, p. 4.
- “Implications
of Clark’s donation should be considered [original title: Clark’s
donation well-deserved for Stanford...Polytechnic]” (op-ed column), The
Stanford Daily, 28 October 1999, pp. 4–5.
- “Religion,
Morality, and the University” (essay), The Thinker 6/2, 4 October
1999, pp. 3, 5.
- “Some
Problems with the Bing Wing” (letter, 26 September 1999).
- “Selective
Sensitivity” (letter, 9 August 1999).
- “Littleton’s
Cry: Replace the American High School!” (letter, 26 April 1999).
- “Co
Ho ‘discrimination’ unfair” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 21
April 1999, p. 4.
- “Towards
a New American Left” (news story, –14 March 1999) [Gr].
- “A
Greek Philosopher at Stanford” (news story, –14 March 1999) [Gr].
- “Open
Letter to Saint Valentine” (column, 11 February 1999).
- “Scholes’
welcome is undeserved” (op-ed column), The Stanford Daily, 11
February 1999, p. 4.
- “Internalizing
the Environment—Externalizing the Self [: Reflections on the Environmental
Crisis]” (essay), The Thinker 6/1, 5 February 1999, pp. 4, 6.
- “Wrong
attitude persists” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 28 January
1999, p. 4.
- “Express
yourselves” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 24 November 1998, p.
- “Scream
Hype and Student Responsibility” (letter, 8 November 1998).
- “Avoid
rape hysteria” (letter), The Stanford Daily, 4 November 1998,
p. 4.
- “Suicide:
The Lethal Flower of Despair” (column, fall 1998).
- “The
Golden Calf of Capitalism” (column, fall 1998).
- “Come,
if you dare! (Letter to a Friend)” (column, 31 May 1998).
- “A
Defense of Madame Blavatsky”
(letter-review, 24 February 1998); Greek
translation published in
- “Sexual
assault is not a major campus issue” (letter), The Stanford Daily,
20 February 1998, p. 4.
- “Nanopoulos…” (letter, 9 January 1998) [Gr].
- “Regarding
the Gulf (and a Persian one)” (commentary), Mousikotropies
1/1991, 6–7 [Gr].
- Ellen T. Harris, George
Frideric Handel: A Life With Friends (W. W.
Norton, 2014), Music & Letters 96 (2015), 278–79 [doi: 10.1093/ml/gcv018].
- short
review, Winton Dean, Handel’s Operas, 1726–1741 (Woodbridge: The
Boydell Press, 2006), The Scriblerian and the
Kit-Cats 41/2 (Spring 2009), 239 [authorship withdrawn].
- “practical humanism divinely propelled” (Benjamin Creme,
The Awakening of Humanity, Amsterdam and London: Share
International Foundation, 2008) (short review in “,” 27 December
- “A
short book on the biggest subject” (Benjamin Creme, The World Teacher
for All Humanity, Amsterdam and London: Share International
Foundation, 2007) (short review in “,” 10 March 2008).
- “Taking
life seriously” (Benjamin Creme, The Art of Living: Living within the
Laws of Life, Share International Foundation, 2006) (short review in
“,” 5 January 2007).
- “Spiritual
politics” (Maitreya’s Teachings: The Laws of Life, ed. by Benjamin
Creme, Share International Foundation, 2005) (short review, 20 September
- “A
spiritual take on politics” (Maitreya’s Teachings: The Laws of Life,
ed. by Benjamin Creme, Share International Foundation, 2005) (short
review, 12 September 2005).
- “Benjamin
Creme, The Art of Co-Operation (London, Amsterdam and Los Angeles:
Share International Foundation, 2002)” (review, 8 October 2002).
- “Cecile Andrews, The Circle of
Simplicity: Return to the Good Life (New York: HarperCollins,
1997)” (review, 15 May 2002).
- “Lynn
Hunt’s Presidential Lecture recovers the hidden Power of Art” (column, 11
April 2002).
- “How
do We keep Happy? Serve!” (review of Benjamin Creme, The Great
Approach: New Light and Life for Humanity [Amsterdam, London, Los
Angeles: Share International Foundation, 2001], 29 September 2001).
- “Wayne
Peterson, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings: Encounters of an
American Diplomat with Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom,” Scatter
Magazine online (April 2001) [also available in Spanish].
- “An
Antidote to Religious Fundamentalism” (short review of Thomas Curley, Masters among Us: An Exploration of Supernal
Encounters and Miraculous Phenomena, 20 February 2001).
- 80
book and 12 recording reviews and presentations for the journal Mousikotropies (1990–1994)
- Πατατουήλ και Μπιφτεκιάν:
Το Γδάρμα της Λύτρωσης [tale for adults, in final stages].
- “From
the Shores of the Aegean to the Edge of the Pacific” (monologue,
October 29, 2012), Voices of
Hellenism Literary Journal, vol. 1, no. 2
(2014), 187–188.
- On
the Trails of the American Dream (Brave World, 2011) [Gr].
- Captain
Mihelis: Dragon of the seas (private,
2011) [Gr].
- George
Catlin. Christianity and the New
Age. Los Angeles: Tara, 1998
(translation into Greek,
July 2004).
- T…
k… I… E… Athens, Greece: …,
2002 [Gr].
- Ανέστιος,
Στα Ίχνη του
Παρατηρητής, 2002.
- L…
t… A… Athens, Greece: …, 2000
- “A
generational Affair” (short story, 4 September 2000).
- “How
I discovered God” (moral tale, 4 April 2000).
- “An
Archaeological Drink” (short story, 1999).
- “Where are the humans?” In In Our Own Words: An
Anthology of Poetry From a Generation Falsely Labeled Generation X. Ed. by Marlow Peerse
Weaver. Raleigh, NC: MW
Enterprises, 1999.
- “So,
you wanna know why I’m after you” (27-word
aphorism), The Stanford Daily: Intermission, 3 June 1998, p. 18.
- “Your
body belongs to you, but the whores belong to everybody!” (27-word
aphorism), The Stanford Daily: Intermission, 3 June 1998, p. 18.
- “Non-Protestant
Christian children’s question” (27-word aphorism), The Stanford Daily:
Intermission, 28 May 1998, p. 14; and 3 June 1998, p. 18.
- “Sharing” (27-word
aphorism), The Stanford Daily: Intermission, 21 May 1998, p.
14. Reprinted in In Our Own
Words: An Anthology of Poetry From a Generation
Falsely Labeled Generation X.
Ed. by Marlow Peerse Weaver. Raleigh, NC: MW Enterprises, 1999.
- “It
came from the redwoods” (short story, 5/20/1998; audio-book version
contracted by “Osiris Audio Books”).
- “Fiction,
friction or freak-scene?” (27-word aphorism), The Stanford Daily:
Intermission, 7 May 1998, p. 14; and 3 June 1998, p. 18.
- “In
capitalism we thrust” (27-word aphorism), The Stanford Daily:
Intermission, 30 April 1998, p. 18.
- “A
Plagiarist’s Odyssey” (27-word aphorism), The Stanford Daily:
Intermission, 23 April 1998, p. 18.
- “A
kiss-met kismet” (27-word aphorism), The Stanford Daily: Intermission,
9 April 1998, p. 18.
- “Generation
BP (Bill Payers)” (27-word aphorism), The Stanford Daily: Intermission,
11 March 1998, p. 14.
- “Cynical
Dogs and Dogged Cynics” (27-word aphorism), The Stanford Daily:
Intermission, 5 March 1998, p. 14.
- “‘United
States’ or ‘Uniform Tastes’ of America?” (27-word aphorism), The
Stanford Daily: Intermission, 19 February 1998, p. 18.
- “Life
and death, the same debt” (27-word aphorism), The Stanford Daily:
Intermission, 12 February 1998, p. 15.
- E…
s… A… (treatise, 23 April 1996) [Gr].
- Christos Mitsakis. T.M.S
ABEE: Drawings. Thessaloniki: Mousikotropies, 1991. x+64 pp. (editor and author of preface
and epilogue) [Gr].
recordings: itunes; Amazon
scores: musicaneo; sheetmusicplus
* * *
- 2008 March Child
Care, piano (commissioned by “Tummy Records”) (score;
- 2000 Transfigured
Rock; piano (score; audio)
- 2000 Flamingos;
piano (score;
- 1999 Healing
Light; piano (score;
- 1999 Unrequited Love (audio)
- 1999 Aug Sonatamounatamou; piano (score;
- 1998 Dec 1 The
Prince of Peace (lyrics: Ilias Chrissochoidis); soprano and piano (score)
- 1996 fall Lethal
Lie (lyrics: Stavros Houliaras); voice and
piano (score)
* * *
- 1996 Feb 2[?] Tomorrow (lyrics:
Ilias Chrissochoidis); voice and piano (score;
- 1996 Jan Solitary
Voyager (lyrics: Ilias Chrissochoidis); voice and piano (score/audio)
- 1995 Jun 15 Nostalgy; piano
- 1995 Jan 21 Forerunner’s
Sacrifice; piano (score;
- 1995 The
Course of the Soul; piano (score;
- 1994 Francis
Bacon Suite;
piano (score/audio):
“The Mask
(Shake-Spear)” (audio),
“Eros (Margueritte de Valois)” (audio),
“Immolation (F.B.)” (audio)
- 1992 Nov 27 The Great Invocation;
voice and piano (score/audio)
- 1992 Jul 24 Reminiscence (audio)
- 1992 Jul 7 H’Asibak Lel Zaman (lyrics: Stavros Houliaras); soprano and/or tenor and piano (score)
- 1992 Jun Three
Studies on John Williams’ Style: Study no. 3; piano (score;
- 1992 Apr 22 Pythagoras’ Great
Decision, opera/musical in five scenes (libretto: Stavros Houliaras); vocal score (score/audio)
- 1992 Feb 18 The T.M.S. Saga
(lyrics: Stavros Houliaras); voice and piano (score/audio)
- 1992 Feb 11 Greek Dance;
piano (score)
- 1992 Jan 28 Fuga in stilo moderno (on a
theme from Hindemith’s Ludus Tonalis);
piano (score;
audio); string
quartet version (1996) (score)
- 1991 Dec 9 Studies
on Musical Experiences: “Renaissance” (audio),
“Air,” “Kalamatianos,” “America,” “Here comes
the Prince of Peace” (audio);
- 1991 Dec 4 Hommage
à Mozart; chorus/piano (score)
- 1991 Nov
6 Prelude;
piano (score)
- 1991 Aug 13 Air (Study on
J. S. Bach’s experience); piano (score;
score; audio)
- 1991 Aug 7 Hommage à Manos Hadjidakis;
piano (score;
score; audio)
- 1991 Jul 29 Gallop; piano (score/audio;
- 1991 Jul 4 Love
Theme; piano (score;
- 1991 Orgilo; piano (score;
- 1991 March;
piano (score;
- 1991 Hymn-Lament
(lyrics: Stavros Houliaras); bass/baritone and
piano (score;
- 1991 Studies
on John Williams’ style: Study no. 2 (If Kalomiris
had been John Williams); piano (score;
- 1991 Lethal
Tango; piano (score;
- 1990 Studies
on John Williams’ style: Study no. 1; piano (score;
- 1990 The
End of Music; piano (score;
- 1990 The
Songs of Enoch (song-pentagon) (lyrics: Stavros Houliaras);
soprano and piano:
“I. Enoch” (score;
“II. Kritikos” (score;
“III. Epitritos” (score;
“IV. Tsamikos” (score;
“V. Mystic Ben” (score)
- 1990 Concert
Piece; piano (score;
- 1990 Passacaglia
on a given Theme; organ (score)
- 1990 Chorale;
chorus/piano (score)
* * *
- 1983 Bagatelle
in B-flat major; piano (score)
- 1983 Jul 11 Minuetto;
string trio (score)
- 1983 Jun 29 Six Variations on
the folksong Hänschen Klein; piano (score)
- 1983 Jun 7 Minuetto in E-flat major; piano (score)
- 1983 Jun
3 Six
Variations on a German Waltz; piano
- 1983 May 30 Twelve Variations on
a Theme by W. A. Mozart; piano (score)
- 1983 May 6 Chrysanthems (lyrics: anonymous); voice and
piano (score)
- 1983 Apr 28 German Dance;
orchestra (score)
- 1983 Apr 19 Six Contredances; violoncello (score)
- 1983 Apr
1 Walzer;
piano (score)
- 1983 Mar 28 Six Variations on
the folksong Suse, liebe
Suse, was raschelt im Stroh?; piano (score)
- 1983 Mar 22 Twenty Variations on
the folksong Im Prater; piano (score)
- 1983 Mar 13 Minuetto
in D major; piano (score)
- 1983 Mar 7 Bagatelle
in C minor; piano (score)
- 1983 Feb 14 Adagio con variazioni; string quartet (score)
- 1983 Feb 5 Scherzo
in A major; string quartet (score)
- 1983 Jan 7 Minuetto; string trio (score)
- 1982 Nov Scherzo
in C major; string quartet (score)
- 1982 Oct 15 Minuetto
in C major; piano (score)
- 1982 Jun 22 Sonata (Allegro
con spirito, Andante, Tema con variazioni);
piano (score)
- 1992 Feb 2 Chopin,
Krakowiak: Grand Rondo de Concert (2nd piano part) (score)
- 1988 Chopin,
Prelude op. 28, no. 14; piano (octaves study) (score)
- 1988 J.
S. Bach, Prelude; piano
- 1988 Paganini,
Caprice op. 1, no. 5; piano (score)
Greece, 1944
Skouras-Khrushchev “debate”
(video list, 7 September 2017)
Greek immigrant to American paragon: The life and achievements of Spyros P.
Skouras (1893–1971) (25
Nov. 2016); featured in “Spyros
P. Skouras, One of the most Prominent Greek-Americans in US History,” The National
Herald, 21 February 2017; “Σπύρος
Σκούρας: Ενας ομογενής
με επιρροή
στις ΗΠΑ,” Εθνικός Κήρυξ, 21 February
P. Skouras (1893-1971) (25
Mar. 2013)
for justice (20
Sep. 2012)
Stanford bike tour (2) (9 Sep. 2012)
Stanford bike tour (1) (3 Sep. 2012)
Miracle (3 Oct. 2011)
upon a time in Greece... (11
Aug. 2011)
Hiroshima (6 Aug. 2011)
Pieta (3 Aug. 2011)
Samples (private recordings)
- J.
S. Bach, Passacaglia,
Thessaloniki, 1990
- Nikos
Astrinidis, Greek Dance,
Thessaloniki, 1990
- Kostas
Nikitas, Sonatina
(2nd movt), Thessaloniki, 1990
- Franz
Liszt, Mephisto
Valse no. 1, Thessaloniki, 1992
2025 *** **
2025 Jan 12 Sunday
service, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2024 Dec 29 Sunday
service, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2024 Oct 20 Sunday
service, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2024 Oct 16 Wednesday
meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2024 Aug 2 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2024 Jul 28 Sunday
Mass, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Palo Alto
2024 Jul 26 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2024 Jul 21 Sunday
Mass, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Palo Alto
2024 Jul 19 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2024 Jul 14 Sunday
service, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2024 Jul 12 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2024 Jul 7 Sunday
service, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Palo Alto
2024 Jul 5 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2024 Jul 3 Wednesday
meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2024 Jun 21 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2024 Jun 14 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2024 Jun 7 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2024 May 23 Wednesday
meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2024 May 15 Wednesday
meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2023 Jul 28 Annie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2023 Jul 21 Annie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2023 Jul 19 Wednesday
meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2023 Jul 14 Annie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2023 Jul 12 Wednesday
meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park
2023 Jul 7 Annie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2023 Jun 30 Annie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2023 Jun 23 Annie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2023 Jun 16 Annie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2023 Jun 9 Annie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2023 May 28 Sunday
Mass, St. Albert the Great Church, Palo Alto
trials (unrehearsed performances of short repertory works
and original compositions)
2022 Sep 15 Mozart, “Fantasia” in C
minor (K. 475)
2022 Sep 14 Chrissochoidis, Christmas
2022 Sep 13 Chrissochoidis, Music box
2022 Sep 13 Chrissochoidis, Flamingos
2022 Sep 9 Chopin, “Nocturne” Op. 9,
No. 1
2022 Sep 8 Chrissochoidis, Overture
2022 Sep 8 Schubert, “4 Impromptus” D.
935, No. 2
2022 Sep 8 Chopin, “Nocturne” Op. 9,
No. 2
2022 Sep 8 Offenbach, “Barcarolle”
2022 Sep 7 Beethoven, “Sonate Pathétique”: Rondo
2022 Sep 7 Chrissochoidis, “The Great
2022 Sep 5 Chrissochoidis, Zeibekiko
2022 Sep 5 Chrissochoidis, rococo
2022 Sep 5 Astrinidis,
Danse Grecque
2022 Sep 5 Astrinidis,
“Prelude No. 1”
2022 Sep 5 Bach, “Prelude and Fugue” in
C minor (BWV 847): Prelude
2022 Sep 5 Bach, “Prelude and Fugue” in
C minor (BWV 847): Fugue
2022 Sep 4 Bach, “Prelude and Fugue” in
F minor (BWV 881): Fugue
2022 Sep 3 Mozart, “Alla
2022 Sep 3 Bach, “Prelude and Fugue” in
F minor (BWV 881): Prelude
2022 Sep 3 Mozart, “Sonate
facile” (3rd movement)
2022 Sep 2 Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 64, No.
2022 Sep 1 Schumann, “Träumerei”
2022 Sep 1 Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 34, No.
2022 Aug 31 Debussy, “Clair de lune”
2022 Aug 31 Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 69, No.
2022 Aug 31 Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 69, No.
2022 Aug 31 Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 64, No.
2022 Aug 29 Chopin, “Mazurka” 68, No.2
2022 Aug 29 Chopin, “Mazurka” Op. 67,
No. 3
2022 Aug 28 Satie, “Gnossienne”
No. 1
2022 Aug 28 Schubert, “Moments musicaux”: No. 3
2022 Aug 27 Handel, “Lascia
ch’io pianga”
2022 Aug 25 Mozart, “Fantasia” in D
minor (K. 397)
2022 Aug 25 Beethoven, “Für Elise”
2022 Aug 24 Satie, “Gymnopédie”
No. 1
2022 Aug 23 Franck, Prélude,
Fugue et Variation Op. 18: Prélude
2022 Aug 23 Chopin, 24 Préludes Op. 28: No. 20
2022 Aug 23 Chopin, 24 Préludes Op. 28: No. 15
2022 Aug 23 Chopin, 24 Préludes Op. 28: No. 4
2022 Aug 23 Chopin, 24 Préludes Op. 28: No. 7
2022 Aug 20 Chrissochoidis (arranger), Inter-national
2022 Aug 20 Chrissochoidis, March
2022 Aug 19 Chrissochoidis, “Air (Study
on J. S. Bach)”
2022 Aug 19 “Fly To
Your Heart”
2022 Aug 18 Chrissochoidis, Homage to
2022 Aug 18 Chrissochoidis, Forerunner’s
2022 Aug 18 Chrissochoidis, Hommage to Mozart
2022 Aug 18 Chrissochoidis, Gallop
2022 Aug 18 Chrissochoidis, Chorale
2022 Aug 18 Chrissochoidis, The
Course of the Soul
2022 Aug 18 Chrissochoidis, Nostalgy
2022 Aug 17 Chrissochoidis, Love
2022 Aug 17 Chopin, “Nocturne” Op. 72,
No. 1
2022 Aug 16 Chrissochoidis, Hannah
2022 Aug 16 Chrissochoidis, Lullaby
2022 Aug 16 Chrissochoidis, Healing
2022 Aug 14 Chrissochoidis, Orgilo
2022 Aug 14 Chrissochoidis, Tomorrow
2022 Aug 12 Beethoven, “Moonlight”
Sonata (1st movement)
2022 Aug 12 Mozart, “Sonate
facile” (2nd movement)
2022 Aug 12 Chrissochoidis, “Bird
Warriors” dance
2022 Aug 9 Bach, “Jesu, Joy of Man’s
2022 Aug 9 Chrissochoidis, “Eros” (“Francis
Bacon” Suite)
2022 Aug 8 Schubert, Ave Maria
2022 Aug 8 Beethoven, “Sonate Pathétique”: Adagio
2022 Aug 7 Bach, “Air”
2022 Aug 5 “Peter Pan” Indian songs
2022 Aug 5 Chrissochoidis, Unrequited
2022 Aug 3 “Happy Birthday”
2022 Jul 29 Peter
Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2022 Jul 22 Peter
Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2022 Jul 15 Peter
Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2022 Jul 1 Peter
Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2022 Jun 24 Peter
Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2022 Jun 17 Peter
Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2022 Jun 10 Peter
Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
2022 Apr 10 Sunday
Mass, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Palo Alto
2022 Apr- 3 Sunday
Mass, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Palo Alto
2021 Dec 12 Santa Lucia Fest, First
Lutheran Church, Palo Alto
2021 Nov 14 Sunday
Service, First Lutheran Church, Palo Alto (recordings: Schubert, Bach, Schumann)
2021 Nov 7 Sunday Service, First Lutheran Church,
Palo Alto (recordings: Beethoven,
Bach, Mozart)
2019 Nov 8 Soul On Fire, Redeemer School, Redwood
2019 Sep 27 The Prodigal Clown,
Redeemer School, Redwood City
2019 Jul 26 Once
Upon a Mattress, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2019 Jul 12 Once Upon a Mattress, HMT, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2019 Jun 28 Once Upon a Mattress, HMT, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2019 Jun 14 Once Upon a Mattress, HMT, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2019 May 19 Beauty
and the Beast, Redeemer School, Redwood City
2019 May 17 Beauty and the Beast, Redeemer School,
Redwood City
2018 Nov 2 Show me the Candy!
Redeemer School, Redwood City
2018 Jul 27 Bye
Bye Birdie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
[2 shows]
2018 Jul 13 Bye Bye Birdie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2018 Jun 29 Bye Bye Birdie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2018 Jun 15 Bye Bye Birdie,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2018 May 16–19 The Good Person of Szechwan,
Roble Studio Theater, Stanford University
2018 Mar 10 Honors
Recital, New Mozart School of Music, Santa Clara University
2017 Oct 29 Sunday
service, St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Oakland
2017 Oct 22 Sunday
service, St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Oakland
2017 Jul 28 The
Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2017 Jul 14 The Sound of Music,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2017 Jun 30 The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2017 Jun 16 The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2016 Aug 26 “Celebrating
the Life of Loyd Evan Ellis,” Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, Menlo Park
2016 Aug 12 Peter Pan, HMT,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2016 Jul 29 Peter Pan, HMT,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
2016 Jul 15 Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo
Alto [2 shows]
2016 Jul 10 Sunday
service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City
2016 Jul 3 Sunday
service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City
2016 Jul 1 Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo
Alto [2 shows]
2016 Jun 26 Sunday
service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City
2016 Jun 17 Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo
Alto [2 shows]
2015 Nov 12 “Farewell
to David
Brady” reception, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
2015 Aug 14 Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
[2 shows]
2015 Aug 9 Sunday
service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City
2015 Aug 2 Sunday
service, Island United Church, UCC, Foster City
2015 Jul 31 Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
[2 shows]
2015 Jul 17 Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
[2 shows]
2015 Jul 3 Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
[2 shows]
2015 Jun 28 Sunday
service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City
2015 Jun 19 Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
[2 shows]
2015 Apr 21 piano
inauguration, annual townhall meeting, WZB
Berlin Social Science Center
- 2014 Dec 19 Christmas show, Adelante Spanish
Immersion School, Redwood City
- 2014 Nov 16 Sunday service, First United
Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2014 Aug 17 Sunday service, First United
Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2014 Aug 15 The Wizard of Oz,
HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto
- 2014 Aug
8 The Wizard
of Oz, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2014 Jul 27 Sunday service, First United
Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2014 Jul 25 The Wizard of Oz, HMT,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2014 Jul 20 Sunday service, First United
Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2014 Jul 13 Sunday service, First United
Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2014 Jul 11 The Wizard of Oz, HMT,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2014 Jun 27 The Wizard of Oz, HMT,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2014 Jun 13 The Wizard of Oz, HMT,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2014 May 14 “CoHo
open mic,” Stanford Coffee House
- 2014 Apr 30 “Irving Berlin: Annie Get Your
Gun,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2014 Apr 28 “Irving Berlin: Annie Get Your
Gun,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2014 Apr 24 “Irving Berlin: There’s No Business
Like Show Business,” HMT workshop, Menlo Park
- 2014 Apr 23 “Irving Berlin: There’s No Business
Like Show Business,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2014 Apr 16 “CoHo
open mic,” Stanford Coffee House
- 2014 Apr
3 “Irving
Berlin: God Bless America,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2014 Apr
3 “Irving
Berlin: Annie Get Your Gun Annie Get Your Gun,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2014 Mar 27 “Irving Berlin: Sisters,” HMT
workshop, Atherton
- 2014 Mar 24 “Irving Berlin: There’s No Business
Like Show Business,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2014 Mar 23 Sunday service, First United
Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2014 Mar 20 “Irving Berlin: There’s No Business
Like Show Business,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2014 Mar 19 “Irving Berlin: There’s No Business
Like Show Business,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2014 Feb 23 Sunday service, First United
Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2014 Feb 12 “CoHo
open mic,” Stanford Coffee House
- 2014 Jan 30 “Broadway through the ages,” Palo
Alto High School
- 2014 Jan 27 “Broadway through the ages,” Jane
Lathrop Stanford Middle School, Palo Alto
- 2014 Jan 24 “Broadway through the ages,” Jordan
Middle School, Palo Alto
- 2013 Dec
4 “CoHo open mic,” Stanford Coffee House
- 2013 Nov 20 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
4: Annie,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Nov 18 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
5: 42nd Street,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Nov 17 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
4: Annie,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Nov 13 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
5: 42nd Street,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Nov
8 “Broadway
through the ages, Chapter 5: 42nd Street,” HMT workshop, Los
- 2013 Nov
7 “Broadway
through the ages, Chapter 5: 42nd Street,” HMT workshop,
- 2013 Oct 30 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
4: Annie,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Oct 28 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
4: Annie,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Oct 24 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
4: Annie,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Oct 22 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
4: Annie,” HMT workshop, Los Altos
- 2013 Oct 16 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
3: Peter Pan,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Oct 14 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
3: Peter Pan,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Oct 11 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
3: Peter Pan,” HMT workshop, Los Altos
- 2013 Oct 10 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
3: Peter Pan,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Oct
9 “Broadway
through the ages, Chapter 3: Peter Pan,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Oct
2 “Broadway
through the ages, Chapter 2: The Wizard of Oz,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Sep 30 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
2: The Wizard of Oz,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Sep 26 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
2: The Wizard of Oz,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Sep 18 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
1: Give My Regards to Broadway,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Sep 16 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
1: Give My Regards to Broadway,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Sep 13 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
1: Give My Regards to Broadway,” HMT workshop, Los Altos
- 2013 Sep 12 “Broadway through the ages, Chapter
1: Give My Regards to Broadway,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Aug
9 The Music
Man, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2013 Jul 26 The Music Man, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2013 Jul 12 The Music Man, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2013 Jun 28 The Music Man, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2013 Jun 14 The Music Man, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto
- 2013 Mar 21 “Hammerstein Review 3,” HMT
workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Mar 20 “Hammerstein Review 3,” HMT
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Mar 18 “Hammerstein Review 3,” HMT
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Mar 14 “Hammerstein Review 3,” HMT
workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Mar 13 “Hammerstein Review 3,” HMT
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Mar 11 “Hammerstein Review 3,” HMT
workshop, Menlo Park
- 2013 Mar
7 “Hammerstein
Review 2,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Mar
4 “Hammerstein
Review 2,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Feb 25 “Hammerstein Review 2,” HMT
workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Feb 25 “Hammerstein Review 2,” HMT
workshop, Menlo Park
- 2013 Feb 21 “Hammerstein Review 1,” HMT
workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Feb 20 “Hammerstein Review 2,” HMT
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Feb 11 “Hammerstein Review 1,” HMT
workshop, Menlo Park
- 2013 Feb
7 “Hammerstein
Review 1,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2013 Feb
6 “Hammerstein
Review 1,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2013 Feb
4 “Hammerstein
Review 1,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2012 Nov
7 “Once upon a
time: Chapter 3,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2012 Nov
6 “Once upon a
time: Chapter 3,” HMT workshop, Los Altos
- 2012 Nov
1 “Once upon a
time: Chapter 3,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2012 Oct 29 “Once upon a time: Chapter 3,” HMT
workshop, Menlo Park
- 2012 Oct 24 “Once upon a time: Chapter 2,” HMT
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2012 Oct 23 “Once upon a time: Chapter 2,” HMT
workshop, Los Altos
- 2012 Oct 21 “Once upon a time: Chapter 3,” HMT
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2012 Oct 18 “Once upon a time: Chapter 2,” HMT
workshop, Atherton
- 2012 Oct 15 “Once upon a time: Chapter 2,” HMT
workshop, Menlo Park
- 2012 Oct 14 “Once upon a time: Chapter 2,” HMT
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2012 Oct 10
“Once upon a time: Chapter 1,”
HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2012 Oct
9 “Once upon a time:
Chapter 1,” HMT workshop, Los Altos
- 2012 Oct
7 “Once upon a
time: Chapter 1,” HMT workshop, Palo Alto
- 2012 Oct
4 “Once upon a
time: Chapter 1,” HMT workshop, Atherton
- 2012 Oct
1 “Once upon a
time: Chapter 1,” HMT workshop, Menlo Park
- 2012 Aug 10 “Once upon a time,” Palo Alto High
- 2012 Aug
3 Once upon a
mattress, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2012 Jul 20 Once upon a mattress,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2012 Jul
6 Once upon a
mattress, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2012 Jun 22 Once upon a mattress,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2012 Jan 29 Sunday service (10:30 am), First
United Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2012 Jan
8 Sunday service
(10:30 am), First United Methodist Church, Redwood City
- 2010 Mar 18 Chrissochoidis: Here comes the
Prince of Peace (Sara Stowe, soprano) Child Care: “Music
by current UCL composers,” UCL Chamber Music Club
concert, Haldane Room, London
- 2010 Jan 14 Chrissochoidis: Elegy, Tetelestai, in “New
Year, New Music, New Performers, New Repertoire,” UCL Chamber Music
Club concert, Haldane Room, London
- 2009 Aug 21 Annie, Haymarket
Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2009 Aug
7 Annie,
Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2009 Jul 24 Annie, Haymarket Theater, Palo
Alto [2 shows]
- 2009 Jul 10 Annie, Haymarket Theater,
Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2009 Jun 26 Annie, Haymarket Theater,
Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2009 Apr 29 “Consider Yourself” (Oliver!),
workshop, Portola Valley
- 2009 Apr 27 “Over the Rainbow” (The Wizard
of Oz), workshop, Los Altos
- 2009 Apr 22 “Over the Rainbow” (The Wizard
of Oz), workshop, Los Altos
- 2009 Apr 21 “Over the Rainbow” (The Wizard
of Oz), workshop, Portola Valley
- 2009 Apr 14 “Kids!” (Bye Bye
Birdie), workshop, Portola Valley
- 2009 Mar 26 “Kids!” (Bye Bye
Birdie), workshop, Los Altos
- 2009 Mar 25 “Kids!” (Bye Bye
Birdie), workshop, Palo Alto
“Kids!” (Bye
Bye Birdie), workshop, Los Altos
- 2009 Mar 23 “Over the Rainbow” (The Wizard
of Oz), workshop, Palo Alto
“Kids!” (Bye
Bye Birdie), workshop, Los Altos
- 2009 Mar 16 “Do-Re-Mi” (The Sound of Music),
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2009 Feb 26 “Do-Re-Mi” (The Sound of Music),
workshop, Los Altos
- 2009 Feb 25 “Do-Re-Mi” (The Sound of Music),
workshop, Los Altos
- 2009 Feb 23 “Do-Re-Mi” (The Sound of Music),
workshop, Los Altos
- 2008 Dec 16 “You can’t get a Man with a Gun” (Annie
Get Your Gun), workshop, Palo Alto
- 2008 Dec 10 “The Farmer and the Cowman” (Oklahoma),
workshop, Los Altos
- 2008 Dec
9 “The Farmer
and the Cowman” (Oklahoma), workshop, Palo Alto
- 2008 Dec
8 “Happy Talk” (South
Pacific), workshop, Los Altos
- 2008 Dec
2 “White
Christmas” (Holiday Inn), workshop, Palo Alto
- 2008 Nov 25 “Happy Talk” (South Pacific),
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2008 Nov 18 “My Favorite Things” (The Sound
of Music), workshop, Palo Alto
- 2008 Nov 17 “My Favorite Things” (The Sound
of Music), workshop, Los Altos
- 2008 Nov 12 selected numbers, The King and I,
workshop, Los Altos
- 2008 Nov 11 selected numbers, The King and I,
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2008 Aug 22 Peter Pan, Palo Alto [2
- 2008 Aug
8 Peter Pan,
Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2008 Jul 25 Peter Pan, Palo Alto [2
- 2008 Jul 11 Peter Pan, Palo Alto [2
- 2008 Jun 27 Peter Pan, Palo Alto [2
- 2007 Dec 18 “White Christmas” (Holiday Inn),
workshop, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2007 Dec 12 “Steam Heat” (The Pajama Game),
workshop, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2007 Dec 11 “Goin’ Co’tin’”
(Seven Brides for Seven Brothers), workshop, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2007 Dec
5 “Getting to
Know You” (The King and I), workshop, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2007 Nov 27 Auditioning workshop, Palo Alto
Elks Lodge
- 2007 Nov 14 “Happy Talk” (South Pacific),
workshop, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2007 Nov 13 “Shall We Dance?” (The King and
I), workshop, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2007 Aug 24 The
Wizard of Oz, Palo Alto Elks Lodge [2 shows]
- 2007 Aug 10 The
Wizard of Oz, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2007 Jul 27 The
Wizard of Oz, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2007 Jul 13 The
Wizard of Oz, Palo Alto Elks Lodge
- 2006 Aug 11 The Music Man,
Palo Alto Elks Lodge [2 shows]
- 2006 July 28 The Music Man, Palo Alto
Elks Lodge [2 shows]
- 2006 July 14 The Music Man, Palo Alto
Elks Lodge
- 2006 June 30 The Music Man, Palo Alto
Elks Lodge [2 shows]
- 2006 May 19 Annie Get Your Gun,
workshop, Palo Alto
- 2006 Apr 21 Peter Pan, workshop, Palo
- 2006 Feb
1 Hans
Christian Andersen, Palo Alto
- 2006 Jan 31 Hans Christian Andersen,
Palo Alto
- 2006 Jan 30 Hans Christian Andersen,
Palo Alto
- 2005 Aug
5 Bye Bye
Birdie, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2005 July 22 Bye Bye
Birdie, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2005 July
8 Bye Bye Birdie, Palo Alto [2 shows]
- 2005 May 26 I need a Vacation!
(end-of-year show), Palo Alto
- 2005 May 25 I need a Vacation!
(end-of-year show), Palo Alto
- 2005 May 24 I need a Vacation!
(end-of-year show), Palo Alto
- 2005 May 23 I need a Vacation!
(end-of-year show), Palo Alto
- 2005 Apr 20 42nd street,
Broadway musical workshop, Palo Alto
- 2005 Apr 13 42nd street,
Broadway musical workshop, Palo Alto
- 2005 Apr
1 “An Art
Affair,” White Plaza, Stanford University
- 2005 Feb 26 Hope Musical Studio (vocal recital
of ca. 20 songs from Broadway musicals), Palo Alto (private venue)
- 2005 Jan 27 “God Bless America” (Irving Berlin
Song Revue), Palo Alto
- 2005 Jan 26 “God Bless America” (Irving Berlin
Song Revue), Palo Alto
- 2005 Jan 25 “God Bless America” (Irving Berlin
Song Revue), Palo Alto
- 2005 Jan 24 “God Bless America” (Irving Berlin
Song Revue), Palo Alto
- 2004 Dec
3 Mamma Mia!
Broadway musical workshop, Palo Alto
- 2004 Nov 19 Mamma Mia! Broadway musical
workshop, Palo Alto
* * *
- 2004 Apr
2 “An Art
Affair,” White Plaza, Stanford University
- 2003 Dec
4 “Honoring
Lives Lost to AIDS: An Interfaith Service of Remembrance,” Memorial
Church, Stanford University
- 2003 Apr
4 “An Art
Affair,” White Plaza, Stanford University
- 2002 Nov 24 “Fall Recital: Classical and Jazz,”
Blackwelder Lobby, Escondido Village, Stanford University
- 2002 Oct
2 “Noon
Recital,” Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 2002 Jun
3 presentation
of the 2001–02 Fellows gift—a piano—to the Humanities Center, Stanford
- 2002 Apr 11 “Noon
Recital,” Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 2002 Apr
7 “Community
Day,” Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University
- 2002 Apr
5 “An Art
Affair,” White Plaza, Stanford University
- 2001 Feb
6 “Wednesday
Noon Recitals,” Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 2001 Oct 17 “Wednesday
Noon Recitals,” Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 2001 Aug 26 “Festival of the Arts,” University
Avenue, Palo Alto
- 2001 May 12 “Spring Fair,” White Plaza,
Stanford University
- 2001 Apr
6 “An Art
Affair,” White Plaza, Stanford University
- 2001 Apr
4 “Wednesday
Noon Recitals,” Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 2001 Feb 16 “Lunchtime Recital,” Campbell
Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 2000 Oct 11 “Wednesday
Noon Recitals,” Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 2000 Mar 31 “An Art Affair,” White Plaza,
Stanford University
- 2000 Mar 29 “Wednesday Noon Recitals,” Campbell
Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 2000 Jan 19 “Wednesday Noon Recitals,” Campbell
Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 1999 Oct 20 “Wednesday Noon Recitals,” Campbell
Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 1999 Sep 29 “Wednesday Noon Recitals,” Campbell
Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 1999 Sep 23 “Bing Concerts,” Stanford Hospital
- 1999 May 28 “Inspirational Tempest: A Graduate
Design Concert by Chelsea Eng & Laura Serghiou,”
Roble Studio, Stanford University
- 1999 Mar 31 “Wednesday Noon Recitals,” Campbell
Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 1999 Jan 23 “SASTA concerts,” Veterans Affairs
Hospital, Palo Alto
- 1999 Jan
6 “Wednesday
Noon Recitals,” Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 1998 Nov
concerts,” Lytton Gardens, Palo Alto
- 1998 Sep 30 “Wednesday Noon Recitals,” Campbell
Recital Hall, Stanford University
- 1998 May
concerts,” Veterans Affairs Hospital, Palo Alto
- 1998 Apr
3 “MusiCircus,” Braun Music Center, Stanford University
- 1998 Mar 30 “Greek Cultural Night,” Bechtel
International Center, Stanford University
- 1998 Mar 6,
7 inaugural performance of
classic ballet class, Roble Studio, Stanford University
- 1997 Jun
1 “to heed the
whisper: a showing of original work in dance, visual art and music,” Roble
Studio, Stanford University
* * *
- 1991 Dec
9 Ceremonies
Hall, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 1991 May 31 Department of Music Studies,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 1990 Dec 16 Ceremonies Hall, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- 1990 Nov 22 School of Musical Studies,
Thessaloniki, Greece
- 1990 Jun
1 Avlaia Theater, Thessaloniki, Greece
- 1989 Nov 16 benefit, Organ Donors Union (Hellenic Society of Nephrology), Avlaia Theater, Thessaloniki, Greece
- other
appearances in Thessaloniki and in Northern Greece
- “Ilias
Chrissochoidis” Marquis Who’s
Who, 2018, online.
- “Chrissochoidis,
Ilias.” Who’sWho in America 2005. 2 vols.
New Providence, NJ: Marquis Who’s Who, 2004. 1:815.
- “Chrissochoidis,
Ilias.” Who’sWho
in America 2004. 2 vols. New Providence, NJ: Marquis Who’s Who,
2003. 1:895.
- “Chrissochoidis Ilias [Χρυσοχοϊδης Ηλίας].”
In Athanasiadis, Dimitris. History of Music. Volume Two: From the Aesthetic
Exaggeration and Volume of Baroque to the Structural Variety and
Abstraction of the Avant-Garde.
Thessaloniki: Ekdoseis Makedonikou Odeiou,
2000. 836–37 [Gr].
- “Chrissochoidis
Ilias [Χρυσοχοϊδης Ηλίας].” In Kalogeropoulos, Takis. Dictionary of Greek Music. 6 vols.
Athens: Gialleli, 1998. 6:630 [Gr].
- “Chrissochoidis
Ilias,” Greek Composers’ Union, online.
- “Biographer,
Ilias Chrissochoidis, retells the story of Greek American film pioneer
Spyros Skouras,” The
Greek Herald, 5 November
2021, online.
- “Ο
Σκούρας που
έσωσε 3 εκατομμύρια
Έλληνες στην
Κατοχή,” Ο
Κήρυκας / The Greek Herald, 28 October 2021, 28–29.
- “Εν Θεσσαλονίκη,” host: Θανάσης Γωγάδης, 958 FM (Hellenic Broadcasting
Corporation, Radio 9.58 FM), 16 January 2020.
- Βασιλική
Αστρινίδης - Ο
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- Thomas
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- Charles
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- Peter
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- Thomas
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- Frederick
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- Christine
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- Laurenz
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- Tim
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- Documents:
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- Mary
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