Stanford profile




Research Appointments




Teaching Experience

Work Experience

Piano Performances


Bibliographical Citations

Scholarly Acknowledgements






Recent activity:


·         ‘But I mustn’t let myself be [a] Philhellene’: Arnold J. Toynbee’s unpublished correspondence in the Hoover Institution archives (January–May 1921),” The Journal of Modern Hellenism 36 (2024), 103–172.

·         “La Parisienne” Goes to the Opera: Maria Callas as Priestess, NEO Magazine, June–July 2024.

·         A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (online).

·         Beethoven’s Nine Symphonies,” Stanford course, Spring 2024.

·         The Burning of Smyrna: H. C. Jaquith’s Report to Admiral Bristol,” American Journal of Contemporary Hellenic Issues 14 (Summer 2023).

·         A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (available worldwide)

·         “A victim of his obstinate devotion to the cause of the unhappy Armenian race”: The Murder of Rev. George P. Knapp (1915), Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies (2023)

·         The ‘Doxiadis’ Exhibition and its American Epilogue,” NEO Magazine (March 2023). [online]

·         Piano trials (unrehearsed performances of short repertory works and original compositions)

·         Ο Πέτρος και ο Στάινμπεκ [Petros and Steinbeck],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 18 September 2022.

·         Άγνωστα παρασκήνια της επανάστασης του 1922 [The unknown background of the Revolution of 1922],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 17 July 2022.

·         From the Shores of the Aegean to the Edge of the Pacific: A tribute to Alexander Pantages (1864/75–1936),” NEO Magazine (April 2022).





2004                Ph.D. in Musicology, Stanford University, USA.

Dissertation: “Early Reception of Handel’s Oratorios, 1732–1784: Narrative – Studies – Documents,” 3 vols., xiii + 1626 pp.

Dissertation committee: Professor Karol Berger (adviser), Professor Stephen Hinton (reader), Professor Thomas S. Grey (reader).

1996                M.Phil. (by research) in Musicology, University of Liverpool, UK.

Thesis: “The Concept of Music in the Shakespearean Corpus: An Exploration of Neoplatonic Ideas of Music in Shakespeare.”

1995–1996      M.Phil./Ph.D. status, Musicology, King’s College, University of London, UK.

Project: “The Impact of Aristotle’s Poetics on the Efforts Towards the Creation of Opera.”

Adviser: Professor Reinhard Strohm / Michael Fend.

1995                M.Mus. in Historical Musicology, King’s College, University of London, UK.

Thesis: “Striggio-Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo: An Excursion into its Neoplatonic Layers.

Adviser: Professor Curtis Price.

1992                Ptychio (equivalent to MA) summa cum laude and highest GPA in my class, Musicology and Music Education,

Department of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Thesis: “Το συνθετικό έργο του Νίκου Αστρινίδη : Μία πρώτη προσέγγιση / The Life and Works of Nicholas Astrinidis.”

1989–1990      private instruction in Conducting with Karolos Trikolidis (student of Hans Swarovski and Herbert von Karajan), New Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece.

1992                Diploma in Theory of Music (cluster of teaching degrees) cum laude,

Macedonian Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece.

1992                Fugue (Diploma: Excellent Unanimously with Distinction)

1990                Hodiki (Degree: Excellent)

1990                Counterpoint (Degree: Excellent Unanimously)

1988                Harmony (Degree: Excellent)

1990                Diploma in Piano Performance (professional degree) cum laude and First Prize,

Macedonian Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece.





2017, 01–05    Visiting Researcher, “Economics of Change” department, WZB Berlin Social Science Center

2015/01–16/12Research Fellow (“Culture and Economics”), WZB Berlin Social Science Center

2015–2016      Library Research Fellowship, Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection, California State University, Sacramento

2016                Honorary citation, Thracian Hearth of Thessaloniki

2011–2012      Research grant, Greek America Foundation

Visiting Fellowship, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA

Visiting Scholar, Department of Music, Stanford University (July–September)

2010–2011      ACLS Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies

                        Kluge Fellowship, The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress

                        Katharine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography, Houghton Library, Harvard University

                        McGill-ASECS Fellowship, The Burney Centre, McGill University

                        Honorary Research Associate, Department of Economics, University College London

                        Visiting Scholar, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University [declined]

2010, Jan.        Research grant, “Music & Letters” Trust

2009–2010      Research Associate, ESRC Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE),

Department of Economics, University College London

                        Early Career Research Associate, Institute of Musical Research,

School of Advanced Study, University of London

2007–2008      Mayers Fellowship, The Huntington

2006–2007      John M. Ward Fellowship in Dance and Music for the Theatre, Houghton Library, Harvard University

                        Mary and Eric Weinmann Fellowship, Folger Shakespeare Library

2005–2006      Kanner Fellowship in British Studies, Center for Seventeenth- & Eighteenth-Century Studies, UCLA

                        ASECS/Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin

                        Gwin J. and Ruth Kolb Research Fellowship, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

2005                Honorary Citation, Academy of Athens

2004–2005      Fletcher Jones Foundation Fellowship, The Huntington

2004                J. Merrill Knapp Research Fellowship, American Handel Society

2003–2004      Aubrey Williams Research Travel Fund Award, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

2003                Travel Fellowship, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

                        Graduate Research Opportunity Award, Stanford University

                        Ingolf Dahl Award Competition Finalist, AMS Pacific Southwest and Northern California chapters

                        Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship Finalist, The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

2002–2003      Research Fellowship, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA

                        ASECS-Lewis Walpole Library Fellowship, The Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University

2001–2002      Geballe Dissertation Prize Fellowship, Stanford Humanities Center

2000–2002      Doctoral Fellowship, Panayotis and Effie Michelis Foundation

1996–2000      Doctoral Fellowship, Stanford University

1995–1996      Postgraduate Fellowship, Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation

                        Vozou Fellowship, Academy of Athens

1994–1995      Velliou-Varonou Scholarship, Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs

1992–1993      Postgraduate Scholarship, Macedonian Conservatory of Thessaloniki

1991 (Fall)       research grant, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

1990                Honorary Diploma and Scholarship, Rotary Club of Thessaloniki

1987–1991      Undergraduate Fellowships, Greek State Scholarships Foundation

1986                Honorary Diploma, Municipality of Neapolis, Thessaloniki

1985–1992      Fellowship, School of Advanced Music Theory, Macedonian Conservatory of Thessaloniki





Stanford Continuing Studies, Stanford University (Lecturer / Academic Staff):


2024    Summer           A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (online)

2024    Spring              Beethoven’s Nine Symphonies

2023    Summer           A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (online)

2023    Spring              Musica divina: The Life and Works of Mozart

2022    Spring              A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (online)

2021    Summer           A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (online)

2020    Spring              The Artistry of Beethoven: A 250th Anniversary Celebration

2019    Fall                  A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (online)

2019    Winter             Beethoven’s Nine Symphonies

2018    Fall                  A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (online)

2018    Winter             A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony (online)

2017    Summer           A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony

2016    Summer           A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony

2015    Summer           A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony

2014    Summer           A Practical Introduction to Music Theory and Harmony

2014    Spring              An Introduction to Opera

2013    Summer           Practical Music Theory

2013    Spring              An Introduction to Opera

2012    Summer           What Makes Classical Music Tick: The Elements of Sound

2012    Winter             An Introduction to Opera

2011    Fall                  Practical Music Theory

2009    Fall                  Handel and His Times [cancelled]

2009    Summer           Music’s Anatomy: Classical Music from the Inside

2008    Summer           Practical Music Theory

2008    Spring              Mozart and the Enlightenment

2007    Summer           Practical Music Theory

2006    Fall                  Beethoven’s Nine Symphonies

2006    Summer           Practical Music Theory

2006    Spring              A Practical Introduction to Harmony

2005    Fall                  Handel’s London

2005    Summer           A Practical Introduction to Music Theory

2005    Spring              Handel and Georgian England [cancelled]


Teaching evaluations


Department of Music, Stanford University (Teaching Fellow):

2004    Winter             Elements of Music II

2003    Fall                  Elements of Music I

2003    Spring              Elements of Music III

2002    Fall                  Introduction to Music Theory

1999    Fall                  Mozart’s Instrumental Music

1999    Winter             Music History until 1750

1998    Fall                  The Music of J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel

1998    Spring              Talking about Music

1998    Winter             Introduction to Music

1997    Fall                  Introduction to Music Theory


Macedonian Conservatory of Thessaloniki, Greece (Lecturer):

1989–1991                  Music Theory I

1989–1991                  Piano I







WRITINGS [Gr= in Greek]


Online resources


Research articles

Invited presentations

Music essays

Other writings






Online resources






·         Nicolas Astrinidis, “Apolytikion of Saint Demetrios” (Stanford, 2021) [vocal score edition; study materials]

·         Nicolas Astrinidis, “Famed Macedonia” (Stanford, 2021) [vocal score edition; study materials]

·         Nicolas Astrinidis, “Apolytikion of the Resurrection” (Stanford, 2021) [vocal score edition; study materials]



Research articles


·         Handel at sixty (1745): New insights on Handel’s darkest hour” [15,000 words, in final stages].

·         “A Handelian piracy during a ‘Handel’ Year” [in preparation].

·         “Farinelli sings Handel” [in preparation].

·         “Handel and crime” [in preparation].

·         “From the music historian’s desk: Burney researching the Royal Academy of Music” [in preparation].

·         “Art as Cause – Social transformation through Oratorio performances: A proposal” [working paper].

·         “Cognitive perspectives in Wagner’s Parsifal,” jointly with Steffen Huck [working paper].

·         ‘As a dictionary to a novel’: A C.P.E. Bach entry in Beethoven’s Op. 2, No. 3?” [10,100 words, under revision].

·         Handel Reference Database (HRD) and the challenges of scholarly entrepreneurship” [commissioned].

·         Μουσικός Πλατωνισμός στην Ελισαβετιανή Αναγέννηση [Musical Platonism in Elizabethan Renaissance]” [9,750 words, under review].

·         A missing reference to Lohengrin in Nietzsche’s The Case of Wagner” [submitted].

·         “Ανεξάρτητος Μεραρχία και εξαρτημένη ιστοριογραφία” [forthcoming].

·         “Alexander Pantages in San Francisco: Earliest sources on his life in the United States” [forthcoming].

·         “Mission compromised: William Nesbitt Chambers warns against the French withdrawal from Cilicia (1921)” [submitted]

·         “A century-old debt: The plight of Northern Epirotes for self-determination” [submitted].

·         “‘New Shoes!’ American postwar humanitarianism in the papers of Anna Howell Hayward (1908–2001)” [submitted]

·         “Η «Έκθεση Δοξιάδη» και ο αμερικανικός της επίλογος” [forthcoming].

·         “Σμύρνης Ολοκαύτωμα: Το υπόμνημα του H. C. Jaquith στο ναύαρχο Bristol” [forthcoming].

·         Papadiamantis and the symphonic idiom: Sto Hristo sto Kastro (1991) by Nicolas Astrinidis,” H διαχρονία του Παπαδιαμάντη: Πρακτικά Δ' Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου (Εταιρεία Παπαδιαμαντικών Σπουδών, 2024), 645–658.

·         “La Parisienne” Goes to the Opera: Maria Callas as Priestess, NEO Magazine, June–July 2024, 18–19.

·         ‘But I mustn’t let myself be [a] Philhellene’: Arnold J. Toynbee’s unpublished correspondence in the Hoover Institution archives (January–May 1921),” The Journal of Modern Hellenism 36 (2024), 103–172.

·         The Burning of Smyrna: H. C. Jaquith’s Report to Admiral Bristol,” American Journal of Contemporary Hellenic Issues 14 (Summer 2023).

·         John Steinbeck in Mykonos,” pappaspost, 20 June 2023.

·         “A victim of his obstinate devotion to the cause of the unhappy Armenian race”: The Murder of Rev. George P. Knapp (1915), Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies 29 (2022).

·         The ‘Doxiadis’ Exhibition and its American Epilogue,” NEO Magazine (March 2023), 8–9. [online]

·         Astrinidis’s ‘Ithaka’: Settling in Thessaloniki,” 49–56, in Conference Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Hellenic Symphonic Bands: “Wind ensembles: historical retrospect, journey, and transition in times of pandemic,” Thessaloniki, June 25–27 2021, ed. by Kostis Hassiotis, Evangelia Kikou, and Christos Pouris (Thessaloniki: University of Macedonia, 2022).

·         Ο Πέτρος και ο Στάινμπεκ [Petros and Steinbeck],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 18 September 2022, “Βιβλία” 6 (18).

·         Άγνωστα παρασκήνια της επανάστασης του 1922 [The unknown background of the Revolution of 1922],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 17 July 2022, A30 (54).

·         From the Shores of the Aegean to the Edge of the Pacific: A tribute to Alexander Pantages (1864/75–1936),” NEO Magazine (April 2022), 54–55.

·         Η οικονομική πολιτική της Ένωσης Κέντρου [The economic policy of the Center Union party],” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 10 April 2022, A38 (62); Οικονομικός Ταχυδρόμος, 17 April 2022 (online).

·         The most influential Greek since Alexander the Great? A reappraisal of Spyros P. Skouras,” NEO Magazine (December 2021), 48–50. [pdf]

·         A humanities treasure in the heart of Silicon Valley,” Stanford Libraries Blog, 14 December 2021.

·         Aπό τη Σαλονίκη στη Θεσσαλονίκη: η άγνωστη µαρτυρία του Ζακ Αµπραβανέλ,” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 31 October 2021, 46–47 (“Νέες Εποχές,” 6–7).

·         Η Ομογένεια στον πόλεμο: Νέα στοιχεία για τη βοήθεια της ελληνοαμερικανικής κοινότητας προς την εμπόλεμη και κατεχόμενη Ελλάδα από τα αρχεία του Σπύρου Π. Σκούρα,” Το ΒΗΜΑ, 27 December 2020, 34 (“Βιβλία”: 6).

·         Η άγνωστη συμβολή της Ομογένειας κατά την Κατοχή”, To Vima, 26 January 2020, A32 (56).

·         Σκούρας καλεί Χρουστσόφ” [original title: “Όταν ο Χρουστσόφ συναπάντησε τον «αδελφό του Έλληνα»”], To Vima, Sunday 15 October 2017, 8:8.

·         Quantifying music genius, or Handel on the balance: A scale of musical merit from 1776,” WZB Discussion Paper, SP II 2016–311, December 2016.

·         Changing cultural space: The public molding of Esther into an English oratorio (1732),” WZB Discussion Paper, SP II 2016–310, December 2016.

·         From the garden of Diaspora to the cell of repatriation: Hellenism in the life and works of Nikos Astrinidis,” Aspects of Hellenism in Music [in production].

·         “‘Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t’: A Counterfactual Analysis of Richard Wagner’s Tannhäuser,” jointly with Heike Harmgart, Steffen Huck, and Wieland Müller, Music & Letters 95:4 (November 2014), 584–602.

·         How Skouras Led Community in WWII’s Greatest Foreign Aid Campaign,” The National Herald, 3 August 2014.

·         Musical References in the Jennens–Holdsworth Correspondence (1729–46),” jointly with Amanda Babington, Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 45:1 (2014), 76–129.

·         Εκατό χρόνια από τις μεγάλες αλλαγές στην Ήπειρο [One Hundred Years from the Partition of Epirus],” Kathimerini, 27 July 2014; reprinted with parallel Albanian translation,, 19 February 2017; reprinted in “Ελεύθερος Λόγος Αργυροκάστρου,” 27 February 2017.

·         Άγνωστες πτυχές γύρω από το Κυπριακό [Unknown aspects of the Cyprus problem],” Kathimerini, 29 June 2014.

·         “‘Είμένα όμορφο αγόρι’ [‘I am a beautiful boy’],” Kathimerini, 22 June 2014, 5.

·         Αναζητώντας το αμερικανικό Δίστομο [Searching for an American Distomo],” Kathimerini, 15 June 2014, 7.

·         Πώς ο Χατζιδάκις πανικόβαλε το Χόλιγουντ [How Hadjidakis scared Hollywood],” ToVIMA, 6 April 2014.

·         Ένας στρατηγός της Βέρμαχτ αφηγείται… [A Wermacht general reminisces],” To VIMA, 9 March 2014, A23.

·         Έγγραφα του ΕΛΑΣ στην Αμερική [ELAS documents in America],” Kathimerini, 9 March 2014.

·         Ο μεγάλος αγνοημένος ευεργέτης του έθνους [Greece’s neglected national benefactor],” Kathimerini, 2 June 2013 [original title: “Εθνικός ευεργέτης: Η προσφορά του Σκούρα στην μεταπολεμική Ελλάδα [National Benefactor: Skouras’ contributions in postwar Greece]”]; reprinted in, 28 March 2017.

·         Dramatic pairing in Fidelio: A structuralist approach,” College Music Symposium 52 (2013) [online].

·         An annotated wordbook of The Beggar’s Opera (1728),” jointly with Richard Virr, Notes & Queries 60/1 (March 2013), 111–113.

·         Handelian oratorio and the sublime according to John Baillie,” Göttinger Händel-Beiträge 14 (2012), 253–263.

·         A Master Stands: Rare Brahms Photos in the Library of Congress,” Fontes Artis Musicae 59/1 (January–March 2012), 39–44.

·         Ο επισιτισμός της Ελλάδας στην Κατοχή: Στοιχεία από το αρχείο του Σπύρου Σκούρα [How Spyros Skouras fed the Greeks during the country’s occupation by the Nazis],” Kathimerini, 18 December 2011, 27.

·         An emblem of modern music: temporal symmetry in the prologue of L’Orfeo (1607),” Early Music 39/4 (November 2011), 519–530.

·         Reforming Handel: John Brown and The Cure of Saul (1763),” Journal of the Royal Musical Association 136/2 (2011), 207–245.

·         Ο Σεφέρης και η Αμερική [Σεφέρης-Στραβίνσκι-Χάρβαρντ: η άγνωστη σχέση του ποιητή με το κορυφαίο πανεπιστήμιο / Seferis-Stravinsky-Harvard: the unknown links of the poet with the university],” Το Βήμα της Κυριακής [The Sunday Vima], 25 September 2011, 14–15.

·         Princess Carolina’s list of monthly expenses, January–February 1727/8,” Notes & Queries 58/3 (September 2011), 401–403.

·         Elsa’s reason: On beliefs and motives in Wagner’s Lohengrin,” jointly with Steffen Huck, Cambridge Opera Journal 22/1 (2010), 65–91.

·         Handelian references in Richard Pococke’s early correspondence (1734–7),” Newsletter of The American Handel Society 26/1 (Spring 2011), 5–6.

·         Musical References in Richard Pococke’s Early Correspondence (1734–37),” Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Newsletter 17 (September 2010–April 2011), 5.

·         ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Μία συμφωνική, ένα αφεντικό και δύο μνηστήρες” [original title: “Ανέκδοτη αλληλογραφία του Μητρόπουλου στην Βιβλιοθήκη του Κογκρέσου / Unpublished correspondence of Mitropoulos in the Library of Congress”], Το Βήμα της Κυριακής [The Sunday Vima], 9 January 2011, B2: 6–7.

·         An author’s fee: John Mainwaring’s Handel biography (1760),” Notes and Queries 57/4 (December 2010), 546–548.

·         ‘hee-haw ... llelujah’: Handel among the Vauxhall Asses (1732),” Eighteenth-Century Music 7/2 (September 2010), 221–262.

·         London Mozartiana: Wolfgang’s disputed age & early performances of Allegri’s Miserere,” The Musical Times, vol. 151, no. 1911 (Summer 2010), 83–89.

·         The Music of the Count of St. Germain: An Edition,” Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Newsletter 16 (April 2010), [6–7].

·         Senesino’s Black Boy (1725),” The Handel Institute Newsletter 21/1 (Spring 2010), [7–8].

·         Handel, Hogarth, Goupy: Artistic intersections in Handelian biography,” Early Music 37/4 (November 2009), 577–596.

·         Handel at a Crossroads: His 1737–1738 and 1738–1739 Seasons Re-Examined,” Music & Letters 90/4 (November 2009), 599–635.

·         Handel’s Reception and the Rise of Music Historiography in Britain,” in Music’s Intellectual History, ed. Zdravko Blažeković and Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (New York: Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, 2009), 387–396.

·         George I goes to the masquerade (1721),” The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 42/1 (Autumn 2009), 47–49. “Correction,” The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 42/43 (Spring 2010), 123.

·         Το δράμα στο έργο του Νίκου Αστρινίδη: Εισαγωγικές παρατηρήσεις [Drama in Nikos Astrinidis’ oeuvre: An Introduction],” Twentieth-Century Greek Music Creation in Lyric Drama and other Representative Arts, ed. George Vlastos (Athens: Friends of Music, 2009), 252–256 [Gr].

·         Music in Good Time and the Handelian discord in 1745,” Newsletter of The American Handel Society 24/2 (Summer 2009), 1–3.

·         “‘true Merit always Envy rais’d’: The Advice to Mr. Handel (1739) and Israel in Egypt’s early reception,” The Musical Times, vol. 150, no. 1906 (Spring 2009), 69–86.

·         Mrs. Cibber’s oratorio salary in 1744–45,” The Handel Institute Newsletter 20/1 (Spring 2009), [1–2].

·         Handel recovering: Fresh light on his affairs in 1737,” Eighteenth-Century Music 5 (2008), 237–244.

·         English oratorio in London: The 1765 season,” Händel-Jahrbuch 54 (2008), 313–327.

·         Oratorio à la Mode[: Esther and Fielding’s The Modern Husband (1732)],” Newsletter of The American Handel Society 23/1–2 (Spring–Summer 2008), 7–9.

·         Handel references in The Evening Advertiser (1754–1756),” The Handel Institute Newsletter 19/1 (Spring 2008), [4–5].

·         “‘It’s good to be a King,’” North American British Music Studies Association Newsletter 4/1 (Spring 2008), online.

·         La Musique du Diable (1711),” Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Newsletter 11 (October 2007), 7–9.

·         Handel as a Transitional Figure” (research paper).

·         His Majesty’s choice: Esther in May 1732,” Newsletter of The American Handel Society 22/2 (Summer 2007), 4–6.

·         “‘How is the hero fall’n!’: New Light on Handel’s Darkest Hour (1745)” (research paper).

·         A Handel relative in Britain? (also cutting through the 1759 fence in Handel studies),” The Musical Times, vol. 148, no. 1898 (Spring 2007), 49–58.

·         A ‘fam’d Oratorio … in old English … sung’: Esther on 16 May 1732,” The Handel Institute Newsletter 18/1 (Spring 2007), [4–7].

·         A chubby Orpheus: Handel’s corpulence as a prerogative of genius,” in Consuming Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century: Narratives of Consumption, 1700–1900, ed. Tamara S. Wagner and Narin Hassan (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007), 223–236.

·         A ‘new-fashioned Martyr’: Handel, Lady Brown, and ‘baby-boomer’ musicology” (research paper).

·         A Founding Father of Social Responsibility in Music? Handel in Georgian Britain” (research paper).

·         Charles Handell, Esq. (? – 1776),” Newsletter of The American Handel Society 21/1 (Spring 2006), 1, 3.

·         Set theory in Xenakis’ EONTA,” in International Symposium Iannis Xenakis, ed. Anastasia Georgaki and Makis Solomos (Athens: The National and Kapodistrian University, 2005), 241–249 (jointly with Stavros Houliaras and Christos Mitsakis).

·         “Report, 2003–04 Aubrey Williams Research Travel Grant,” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies News Circular 136 (Fall 2005), 7–8.

·         The ‘Artusi-Monteverdi’ controversy: Background, content, and modern interpretations,” British Postgraduate Musicology 6 (2004), online.

·         “A new Handel dissertation,” Newsletter of The American Handel Society 19/2 (August 2004), 5.

·         [“Beethoven and Freedom: Another way of looking at things?”] The Beethoven Journal 18 (2003), 58–59.

·         [“Handel in Vauxhall Gardens”], Journal of the American Musicological Society 56 (2003), 221–224.

·         Eine Faust-Symphonie and Lawrence Kramer’s reading of the ‘Gretchen’ movement,” Journal of the American Liszt Society 50 (Autumn 2001), 9–17.

·         Fragmentation in Classical Era Instrumental Music” (research paper, fall 1998).

·         “Three Moments in Music Aesthetics” (paper, fall 1998).

·         An Essay on Schenker and Some of his Intellectual Affinities with Hanslick and Schopenhauer” (research paper, spring 1998).

·         Beethoven’s Heiliger Dankgesang” (research paper, spring 1997).

·         An Exploration of Anti-Teleological Moments in Beethoven’s Fidelio” (research paper, winter 1997).

·         Ορατόριο Άγιος Δημήτριος (1962) [Nicolas Astrinidis: Oratorio Saint Demetrios],” Mousikotropies 1/1996, 13–20 [Gr].

·         Glimpses of a vision for Twenty-First-Century scholarship,” Musical Objects: A Postgraduate Review 1 (1995), 65–66.

·         Ludwig van Beethoven: Klaviersonate op. 27, nr 2 (Πρώτο Μέρος) – Μια Ερμηνευτική Ανάλυση [Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Sonata no. 14, op. 27, no. 2, first movement – A hermeneutic analysis],” Mousikotropies 3/1995, 40–45 [Gr].

·         “The Canon and how one can blow it up: Improvisation on a commonly obscure theme” (seminar paper, April 1995).

·         “An Analysis of John Williams’ Star Wars (Main Title)” (seminar paper, January 1995).

·         Nicolas Astrinidis: Oratorio Saint Demetrios, booklet for CD with extracts from the oratorio (Thessaloniki: Thalassa Records, 1994), 15 pp.

·         F. Chopin: Prelude Op. 28, Αρ. 14 – Ένα Παράδειγμα Χρήσης της Γραμμικής Αντίστιξης στη Ρομαντική Μουσική [F. Chopin: Prelude Op. 28, no. 14. An example of monophonic counterpoint in Romantic music],” Mousikotropies 1/94, 23–31 [Gr].

·         Baconian or Stratfordian Theory?” (seminar paper, June 1992).

·         Dinu Lipatti (1917–1950),” Mousikotropies 1/1991, 23–31 [Gr].

·         Το καθήκον στη Ζωή/Έργο του Δημήτρη Μητρόπουλου [Duty in the Life/Work of Dimitris Mitropoulos],” Mousikotropies 3/1990, 63–74 [Gr].

·         Η τέλεια εξάσκηση των δακτύλων [The Perfect Training of the Fingers: in their Combination, with the Restriction of non-repeating the Same Finger in Each Combination]” (method), Mousiki Periodiki Ekdosi 1 (April 1989), 35–40 [Gr]; reviewed and partly reprinted in Chronis Moysiadis and Haralampos C. Spyridis, Applied Mathematics in the Science of Music (Thessaloniki: Ziti, 1994), 87–90, 219–25.



Invited Presentations




Music Essays


Epilogue (14 May 2009).



Other Writings






(major themes:            defending the Humanities in a corporate academia

uniting personal spiritual freedom and social justice)














recordings: itunes; Amazon

scores: musicaneo; sheetmusicplus



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“The Mask (Shake-Spear)” (audio), “Eros (Margueritte de Valois)” (audio), “Immolation (F.B.)” (audio)

“I. Enoch” (score; audio), “II. Kritikos” (score; audio), “III. Epitritos” (score; audio), “IV. Tsamikos” (score; audio), “V. Mystic Ben” (score)


*          *          *



Creative Arrangements









·         War-ravaged Greece, 1944

·         The Skouras-Khrushchev “debate” (video list, 7 September 2017)

·         From Greek immigrant to American paragon: The life and achievements of Spyros P. Skouras (1893–1971) (25 Nov. 2016); featured in Spyros P. Skouras, One of the most Prominent Greek-Americans in US History,” The National Herald, 21 February 2017; “Σπύρος Σκούρας: Ενας ομογενής με επιρροή στις ΗΠΑ,” Εθνικός Κήρυξ, 21 February 2017.

·         Spyros P. Skouras (1893-1971) (25 Mar. 2013)

·         March for justice (20 Sep. 2012)

·         Stanford bike tour (2) (9 Sep. 2012)

·         Stanford bike tour (1) (3 Sep. 2012)

·         Miracle (3 Oct. 2011)

·         Once upon a time in Greece... (11 Aug. 2011)

·         Hiroshima (6 Aug. 2011)

·         Pieta (3 Aug. 2011)





Samples (private recordings)




·         2024    Oct      20        Sunday service, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park

·         2024    Oct      16        Wednesday meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park

·         2024    Aug       2        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jul        28        Sunday Mass, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jul        26        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jul        21        Sunday Mass, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jul        19        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jul        14        Sunday service, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park

·         2024    Jul        12        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jul          7        Sunday service, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jul          5        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jul          3        Wednesday meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park

·         2024    Jun       21        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jun       14        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2024    Jun         7        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2024    May     23        Wednesday meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park

·         2024    May     15        Wednesday meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park



·         2023    Jul        28        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2023    Jul        21        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2023    Jul        19        Wednesday meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park

·         2023    Jul        14        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2023    Jul        12        Wednesday meeting, Christian Science Church, Menlo Park

·         2023    Jul          7        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2023    Jun       30        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2023    Jun       23        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2023    Jun       16        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2023    Jun         9        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2023    May     28        Sunday Mass, St. Albert the Great Church, Palo Alto


Piano trials (unrehearsed performances of short repertory works and original compositions)

·         2022    Sep      15        Mozart, “Fantasia” in C minor (K. 475)

·         2022    Sep      14        Chrissochoidis, Christmas

·         2022    Sep      13        Chrissochoidis, Music box

·         2022    Sep      13        Chrissochoidis, Flamingos

·         2022    Sep        9        Chopin, “Nocturne” Op. 9, No. 1

·         2022    Sep        8        Chrissochoidis, Overture

·         2022    Sep        8        Schubert, “4 Impromptus” D. 935, No. 2

·         2022    Sep        8        Chopin, “Nocturne” Op. 9, No. 2

·         2022    Sep        8        Offenbach, “Barcarolle”

·         2022    Sep        7        Beethoven, “Sonate Pathétique”: Rondo

·         2022    Sep        7        Chrissochoidis, “The Great Invocation”

·         2022    Sep        5        Chrissochoidis, Zeibekiko

·         2022    Sep        5        Chrissochoidis, rococo

·         2022    Sep        5        Astrinidis, Danse Grecque

·         2022    Sep        5        Astrinidis, “Prelude No. 1”

·         2022    Sep        5        Bach, “Prelude and Fugue” in C minor (BWV 847): Prelude

·         2022    Sep        5        Bach, “Prelude and Fugue” in C minor (BWV 847): Fugue

·         2022    Sep        4        Bach, “Prelude and Fugue” in F minor (BWV 881): Fugue

·         2022    Sep        3        Mozart, “Alla turca

·         2022    Sep        3        Bach, “Prelude and Fugue” in F minor (BWV 881): Prelude

·         2022    Sep        3        Mozart, “Sonate facile” (3rd movement)

·         2022    Sep        2        Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 64, No. 2

·         2022    Sep        1        Schumann, “Träumerei

·         2022    Sep        1        Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 34, No. 2

·         2022    Aug     31        Debussy, “Clair de lune”

·         2022    Aug     31        Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 69, No. 2

·         2022    Aug     31        Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 69, No. 1

·         2022    Aug     31        Chopin, “Waltz” Op. 64, No. 1

·         2022    Aug     29        Chopin, “Mazurka” 68, No.2

·         2022    Aug     29        Chopin, “Mazurka” Op. 67, No. 3

·         2022    Aug     28        Satie, “Gnossienne” No. 1

·         2022    Aug     28        Schubert, “Moments musicaux”: No. 3

·         2022    Aug     27        Handel, “Lascia ch’io pianga

·         2022    Aug     25        Mozart, “Fantasia” in D minor (K. 397)

·         2022    Aug     25        Beethoven, “Für Elise”

·         2022    Aug     24        Satie, “Gymnopédie” No. 1

·         2022    Aug     23        Franck, Prélude, Fugue et Variation Op. 18: Prélude

·         2022    Aug     23        Chopin, 24 Préludes Op. 28: No. 20

·         2022    Aug     23        Chopin, 24 Préludes Op. 28: No. 15

·         2022    Aug     23        Chopin, 24 Préludes Op. 28: No. 4

·         2022    Aug     23        Chopin, 24 Préludes Op. 28: No. 7

·         2022    Aug     20        Chrissochoidis (arranger), Inter-national Anthem

·         2022    Aug     20        Chrissochoidis, March

·         2022    Aug     19        Chrissochoidis, “Air (Study on J. S. Bach)”

·         2022    Aug     19        “Fly To Your Heart”

·         2022    Aug     18        Chrissochoidis, Homage to Hadjidakis

·         2022    Aug     18        Chrissochoidis, Forerunner’s Sacrifice

·         2022    Aug     18        Chrissochoidis, Hommage to Mozart

·         2022    Aug     18        Chrissochoidis, Gallop

·         2022    Aug     18        Chrissochoidis, Chorale

·         2022    Aug     18        Chrissochoidis, The Course of the Soul

·         2022    Aug     18        Chrissochoidis, Nostalgy

·         2022    Aug     17        Chrissochoidis, Love theme

·         2022    Aug     17        Chopin, “Nocturne” Op. 72, No. 1

·         2022    Aug     16        Chrissochoidis, Hannah

·         2022    Aug     16        Chrissochoidis, Lullaby

·         2022    Aug     16        Chrissochoidis, Healing Light

·         2022    Aug     14        Chrissochoidis, Orgilo

·         2022    Aug     14        Chrissochoidis, Tomorrow

·         2022    Aug     12        Beethoven, “Moonlight” Sonata (1st movement)

·         2022    Aug     12        Mozart, “Sonate facile” (2nd movement)

·         2022    Aug     12        Chrissochoidis, “Bird Warriors” dance

·         2022    Aug       9        Bach, “Jesu, Joy of Man’s desiring”

·         2022    Aug       9        Chrissochoidis, “Eros” (“Francis Bacon” Suite)

·         2022    Aug       8        Schubert, Ave Maria

·         2022    Aug       8        Beethoven, “Sonate Pathétique”: Adagio cantabile

·         2022    Aug       7        Bach, “Air”

·         2022    Aug       5        “Peter Pan” Indian songs

·         2022    Aug       5        Chrissochoidis, Unrequited Love

·         2022    Aug       3        “Happy Birthday”



·         2022    Jul        29        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2022    Jul        22        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2022    Jul        15        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2022    Jul          1        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2022    Jun       24        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2022    Jun       17        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2022    Jun       10        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto

·         2022    Apr      10        Sunday Mass, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Palo Alto

·         2022    Apr-       3        Sunday Mass, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Palo Alto


·         2021    Dec      12        Santa Lucia Fest, First Lutheran Church, Palo Alto

·         2021    Nov     14        Sunday Service, First Lutheran Church, Palo Alto (recordings: Schubert, Bach, Schumann)

·         2021    Nov       7        Sunday Service, First Lutheran Church, Palo Alto (recordings: Beethoven, Bach, Mozart)


·         2019    Nov       8        Soul On Fire, Redeemer School, Redwood City

·         2019    Sep      27        The Prodigal Clown, Redeemer School, Redwood City

·         2019    Jul        26        Once Upon a Mattress, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2019    Jul        12        Once Upon a Mattress, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2019    Jun       28        Once Upon a Mattress, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2019    Jun       14        Once Upon a Mattress, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2019    May     19        Beauty and the Beast, Redeemer School, Redwood City

·         2019    May     17        Beauty and the Beast, Redeemer School, Redwood City


·         2018    Nov       2        Show me the Candy! Redeemer School, Redwood City

·         2018    Jul        27        Bye Bye Birdie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2018    Jul        13        Bye Bye Birdie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2018    Jun       29        Bye Bye Birdie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2018    Jun       15        Bye Bye Birdie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2018    May     16–19  The Good Person of Szechwan, Roble Studio Theater, Stanford University

·         2018    Mar      10        Honors Recital, New Mozart School of Music, Santa Clara University


·         2017    Oct      29        Sunday service, St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Oakland

·         2017    Oct      22        Sunday service, St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Oakland

·         2017    Jul        28        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2017    Jul        14        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2017    Jun       30        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2017    Jun       16        The Sound of Music, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]


·         2016    Aug     26        “Celebrating the Life of Loyd Evan Ellis,” Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, Menlo Park

·         2016    Aug     12        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2016    Jul        29        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2016    Jul        15        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2016    Jul        10        Sunday service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City

·         2016    Jul          3        Sunday service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City

·         2016    Jul          1        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2016    Jun       26        Sunday service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City

·         2016    Jun       17        Peter Pan, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]


·         2015    Nov     12        “Farewell to David Brady” reception, WZB Berlin Social Science Center

·         2015    Aug     14        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2015    Aug       9        Sunday service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City

·         2015    Aug       2        Sunday service, Island United Church, UCC, Foster City

·         2015    Jul        31        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2015    Jul        17        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2015    Jul          3        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2015    Jun       28        Sunday service, First United Methodist Church, Redwood City

·         2015    Jun       19        Annie, HMT, Haymarket Theater, Palo Alto [2 shows]

·         2015    Apr      21        piano inauguration, annual townhall meeting, WZB Berlin Social Science Center






“Kids!” (Bye Bye Birdie), workshop, Los Altos

“Kids!” (Bye Bye Birdie), workshop, Los Altos







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Books and book chapters

·         Anthony Shaw and Giora Goodman, Hollywood and Israel: A History (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022), 289.

·         Arnold Whittall, The Wagner style: close readings and critical perspectives (London: Plumbago Books, 2015), 52.

·         Richard Wistreich, “Introduction,” in idem, ed, Monteverdi (Ashgate, 2011; Routledge, 2016), xi–xxxiv: xxix, xx.


Journals and conference papers




Online resources-other













