Jan 19

[Thomas Tudway to Humfrey Wanley, 19 January 1718]


[...] I shall in a months time, enter uppon Mr Rosengraves price, but

should be glad, he woud give it some other title, than upon ye

peace, because ye words don’t correspond, but are rather upon

ye Epiphany; If you have seen J. Church, I shall be glad to

know what further assurances he gives of Dr Crofts’s, & his own Com-

positions; I can spare time now till May, for the Dr to prepare me

Copies of what he designes me; intending to begin ye last volume

wth Dr Crofts’s Te Deum, &c, & end ye volume, wth Mr Hendals, as my

Lord, has enjoin’d me;[1]




Feb 5

[Diary of the Reverend Dr Henry Brydges]


Wednesday February 5 [1717/8]

This day Sr. Hungerford & Lady Hoskyns & Mrs.

Jackson din’d with us. after dinner Sr. Hungerford

went with me to my Brothrs. where was Col. Dobbyns

Dr. Pepuis & Captn. Jacob. [...][2]




Feb 14

[Diary of the Reverend Dr Henry Brydges]


Friday February 14 [1717/8]

[...] after dinner I

went to my Brothers where I met Dr. Arthburth-

not, Dr. Pepuis & Mr[.] Lowthrop. – Dr. Arthburthnot

& I spent ye Evening at my Brothers.[3]




Feb 15

On a Subscription Masquerade arranged by Heidegger in the Haymarket Theatre.


The Room is exceedingly large, beautifully adorned, and illuminated with five hundred Wax Lights; on the Sides are divers Beaufets, over which is written the several Wines therein contained, as Canary, Burgundy, Champagne, Rhenish, &c. each most excellent in its Kind; of which all are at Liberty to drink what they please; with large Services of all Sorts of Sweetmeats. There are also two Sets of Music, at due Distance from each other, performed by very good Hands. By the vast Variety of Dresses (many of them very rich) you would fancy it a Congress of the principal Persons of all Nations in the World, as Turks, Italians, Indians, Polanders, Spaniards, Venetians, &c. There is an absolute Freedom of Speech, without the least Offence given thereby; while all appear better bred than to offer at any Thing profane, rude, or immodest, but Wit incessantly flashes about in Repartees, Honour, and good Humour, and all Kinds of Pleasantry. There was also the Groom Porter’s Office, where all play that please; while Heaps of Guineas pass about, with so little Concern in the Losers, that they are not to be distinguished from the Winners. Nor does it add a little to the Beauty of the Entertainment, to see the Generality of the Masqueraders behave themselves agreeable to their several Habits. The Number, when I was there on Tuesday, last week, was computed at 700, with some files of Musquetiers at Hand, for the preventing any Disturbance which might happen by Quarrels, &c. so frequent in Venice, Italy, and other Countries, on such Entertainments. At eleven o’Clock a person gives Notice that Supper is ready, when the Company pass into another large Room, where a noble cold Entertainment is prepared, suitable to all the Rest; the whole Diversion continuing from nine o’Clock till seven next Morning. In short, the whole Ball was sufficiently illustrious, in every Article of it, for the greatest Prince to give on the most extraordinary Occasion.[4]




Mar 15

By Command.

For the Benefit of Mrs. Robinson.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Saturday, being the 15th of March, will be perform’d a Consort of Musick. The Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Persons to be admitted without Tickets, which will be deliver’d at the Theatre this Day, from 9 in the Morning till Night, at Half a Guinea each. Gallery 2 s. 6 d.[5]




This Evening the King comes to the Play-House in the Hay-Market to hear a fine Consort of Musick.[6]




Apr 27

[Diary of the Reverend Dr Henry Brydges]


[“Sunday / April 27” 1718]

This day my Cozen Walcot[,] Col. Dobbens &

I din’d at Canons where we met Dr. Pepuis, Mr. Handle,

Dr. Arthburthnot, Mr. Desaguliers, Captn. Inwood & Mr.

Lowthrop. We were back at Stanmore by 7.[7]




May 16

For the Benefit of Mr. Castelman.

By His Majesty’s Company of Comedians,

AT the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, this present Friday, being the 16th of May, will be presented, A Play call’d, King Henry the IVth. With the Humours of Sir John Falstaff. Written by Shakespear. The Part of Falstaff by Mr. Mills, The King Mr. Thurmond, The Prince of Wales Mr. Wilks, Hotspur Mr. Booth, The two Carriers Mr. Johnson, Mr. Miller, Francis Mr. Norris, Hotspur’s Wife Mrs. Santlow, The Hostess Mrs. Willis. With Entertainments of Dancing by Mr. Weaver, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Wade, Mr. Topham, Mrs Bicknels, Miss Younger, and Miss Teno. A Concerto upon the Little Flute by Mr. Paisibte, and one intirely new, compos’d by Mr. Hendel. And on Monday next, will be presented the Relapse; or, Virtue in Danger. For the Benefit of Mr. Wilks the Office Keeper.[8]




May 27

[Sir David Dalrymple to Hugh Campbell, London, 27 May 1718]


My Dear Lord

            Since my Last I have been at Canons with E: of Carnarvan who lives en Prince & to boot is a worthy beneficent man, I heard sermon at his parish church which for painting and orniment exceeds every thing in this Country he has a Choorus of his own, the Musick is made for himself and sung by his own servants, besides which there is a litle [sic] opera now a makeing for his diversion whereof the Musick will not be made publick.  The words are to be furnished by Mrs Pope & Gay, the musick to be composed by Hendell, It is as good as finished, and I am promised some of the Songs by Dr Arbuthnot who is one of the club of composers which your Ld shall have as soon as I get [1v] it.[9]




Aug 8, 11 NS

Archiv der Ober-Pfarr-Kirche zu Unser Lieben Frauen in Halle

Todten-Register v. J. 1717 bis 1740


In der 8. Woche nach Trinit. [1718]

[Donnerstag] 11. huj.

Frau Dorothea Sophia Herr Michael Dietrich Michaelsens Jur. Utrqs Doctoris Eheliebste gebohrene Händelin, gestorben den 8. huj. hor. ½ 3 pom. gantze Schule begraben, alt 30. Jahr 7. Monat und 8 Tage[10]




Aug 11 NS

Johann Michael Heineccius, Des Hertzens-Trost eines am Leibe verschmachtenden Kindes Gottes … Halle … den 11. August 1718


Sie machete durch ihr Exempel wahr, was Salomon saget: Der Gerechte ist auch in seinem Tode getrost. Woher kommt aber diese Freudigkeit, da äusserlich keine Freude ist? Warum grünet die Hoffnung, wenn auch der Leib, als eine Blume, verwelcket? Warum verschmachtet der Glaube nicht, wenn auch Leib und Seel verschmachten? Niemand kan uns davon bessere Nachricht geben, als der nunmehro verschlossene Mund der Seeligen Frau Doctorin. Es führete derselbe im Leben öffters die Worte Hiobs: Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebet, und er wird mich hernach aus der Erden auferwecken …

            GOTT hatte ihr einen liebreichen Ehegatten, einen vielfachen Ehe-Seegen, ein gutes Vermögen, viel Freude und Ehre an Ihrem eintzigen Herrn Bruder, dessen gantz besondere und ausnehmende grosse Vertues auch gekrönte Häupter und die Grössesten in der Welt zugleich lieben und bewundern, und sonst viel Vergnügen gegönnet, doch muste alles ihrem Erlöser nachstehen.[11]

Johann Michael Heineck’s Funeral Sermon for Handel’s Sister, Halle, 31st July (11th August) 1718


She confirmed by her example the truth of Solomon’s words: The righteous hath hope in his death. Whence comes, however, this joyousness, since there is no joy at hand? Why does hope flourish, even if the body, like a flower, withers away? Why does faith not pine away, even if body and mind pine away? No one can give us better answers to these questions than the blessed woman, whose voice is henceforth stilled. She uttered them oftentimes in life, in the words of Job: For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.…

            GOD had given her a devoted husband, a marriage fruitfully blessed, a goodly portion, many joys in her only brother, whose quite especially and exceptionally great Vertues even crowned heads and the greatest ones of the earth at the same time love and admire, and bestowed on her as well much contentment, yet everything must give place to her Redeemer.…[12]




Sep 4/15 (NS)

Francesco Bernardi {Senesino} (in Dresden) to Giuseppe Riva (in London)


Dresda 15 7bre 1718



Senz[’] altre proteste V[ostra] S[ignoria] potrà immaginarsi da dove sia causata la dilazione di questa mia risposta, tanto più che intesa dal nostro n[ost]ro amicone Berenstadt, cui sà molto bene qual pena avevo di questa impontualità non solita in me, ma gl’affari di questo mondo presentem[en]te vanno così, e spero di non volerne altro assolutam[en]te, a tal segno che eccoli l’inclusa per M[onsieu]r Haidegger, appigliandomi al suo ponderat[iss]imo consiglio assai vantaggioso in occasione della clemenza à mostrata S[ua] M[aestà], e tutta cotesta Nazione; che mi fanno sperare un buon successo per intraprendere a suo tempo questo viaggio, e godere della di lei Padronanza, et Amicizia. Passarò adunque alle mie pretenzioni, e sono di mille Ghinee effettive o sua valuta per mio Onorario diviso in tre rate, il mio giorno di benefizio prima di qualsivogl[ia] altro di qualunque genere in tempo buono, et a prezzo giusto, cioè di 67 Lire, sapendo che tanto Importa la spesa del Teatro in d[ett]a sera; cauzione per la paga, o pure sopra la sottoscrizione, e la scielta di qualche Opera; Vi sarebbero poi e le spese, e l’Alloggio ma queste le rimetto in lei, sapendo che costà per trattarsi con tutto il decoro et a paragone d’altri che vi sono stati ci vuole assai[,] particolarm[en]te a me, che tengo app[ress]o un Fr[at]ello, e[...] onde una di queste sarebbe un gran sovvallo, o in vece qualche accrescim[en]to nella paga; Io però sono in tutto e per tutto rimesso in V[ostra] S[ignoria], conoscendo quanto sia interessato a mio favore, e crederò per il di lei mezzo facilitato il tutto con quelle cautele, che potranno farmi vivere quieto, e contento. attendo dunque con tutta premura pronta risposta per mia regola, che in avvenire potrò con più sollecitudine adempire pontualm[en]te con le risposte, non avendo nissuna misura per ostacolo. Il n[ost]ro caro Berenstadt e partito, e mi hà portato via il cuore, quntunque m’abbia dato speranza di rivederlo in caso si concluda l’affare d’Inghilterra, ma non lo credo per la lontan[an]za de viaggi. Se mai vedesse il mio caro Sandoni mille saluti, et a quel caro Filippo Amadei, et in fine pregandolo continuarmi la sua stim[atissi]ma grazia mi professo con il più d’animo mio.






De Vous Mons[ieu]r


Francesco Bernardi

Dresden 15 September 1718



Without further protestations your honour will understand the reason for the delay to this reply of mine, especially as you heard it from our great friend Berenstadt; he knows very well what pain I suffered because of this delay, which is so unusual with me, but the affairs of this world are like that at the moment, and I hope absolutely not to have any more of them; so I enclose herewith a letter for Monsieur Haidegger, trusting in his most well-judged advice, which was especially helpful in the matter of the kindness which was shown by His Majesty, and the whole of that nation, for they lead me to hope for a successful outcome so that I may undertake this journey at the right time, and enjoy your patronage and friendship. I will now set out my demands, and they are for a thousand guineas in cash or equivalent value for my fee, divided in three instalments, my benefit night before any other of whatever kind at a good time, and at a fair cost, namely 67 pounds [sterling], since I know that that is the amount for the expenses of the theatre that night; a guarantee for my fee or else [for it to be] based on the subscription [income]; and the choice of some operas. Then there would be my expenses and lodging, but I leave that to you, knowing that over there in order to live adequately, according to those who have been there before me, one needs a lot [of money], especially me as I have a brother along, and therefore any one of these things would be of great help to me, or alternatively an increase in my fee. However, I am totally and in every way in your honour’s hands, knowing how much you are concerned for my welfare, and I can believe that everything will have been made possible through your efforts, with those guarantees, which will allow me to live quietly and contentedly. So I wait anxiously for your reply that will inform me what I have to do, which I will then undertake promptly and with great exactness in my replies, having no reason for delay. Our dear Berenstadt has left, and has taken my heart away with him, although he has given me the hope that I can see him again, if the England business is settled, but I doubt it because of the length of the journeys. If ever you should see my dear Sandoni, give him my best wishes, and also to my dear Filippo Amadei; and finally beseeching you to continue to accord me your most esteemed favours, I declare myself with all my heart,


Yours, Sir


Francesco Bernardi[13]




Oct 8

[Wells, 8 October 1718]


They [=music club] performed Mr Handle’s Anthems, and Symphonies, chiefly.[14]




Nov 3

Wilhelm Willers, Theatrical Notes, Hamburg, 23 October (3 November)


Nov. 3. Oper Agrippina.[15]




Johann Mattheson, Hamburg Opera List

157. Agrippina. Music vom Hn. Händel. In Italiänischer Sprache aufgeführt.[16]

Agrippina. Music by Herr Händel. Performed in Italian.[17]




Nov 19

Wilhelm Willers, Theatrical Notes, Hamburg, 8th (19th) November 1718

Nov. 19. ist Guaffin unhöflich davon gelaufen und drohte nicht wieder zu singen, sang aber noch in Agrippina und ließ sogleich seine Sachen transportiren.[18]

Nov. 19. Gauffin has discourteously run away and threatened not to sing again, however he did sing in Agrippina and forthwith had his luggage removed.[19]




Nov 30


Derer 276 Musicalischen Kirchen-Stücken, so der seel. Hr. Adamus Meissner, gewesener Organista bey der Kirchen zu St. Ulrich alhier in seinem Testamente gedachter Kirchen zu seinem Andencken vermachet de Anno 1718

(Nb. Diese 276 Stücken sind dem ietzigen Organisten, Hr. Johann Gotthilff Zieglern den 30. Nov. 1718 alle richtig zugestellet worden, welche sich auch sämbtlich bey deren Revidirung den 27. Aug. 1732 in dem auf der Orgel stehenden großen Schrancke befunden)



Dialogo Dom: 9. et 22. p. Trin: Thue Rechnung von deinem Haußhalten à 13. J. F. Hendel mit der Partitur



Dom: 14/.19. p. Trin: Dialogo: Das gantze Haupt ist krank ab 8. J. F. Hend.



Dom: XVI. et XXIV. p. Trin: Dialogo: Es ist der alte Bund, Mensch à 12 cum Partitura [G. F. Händel?]



Dom: Leatare it: VII. et XV. p. Tr. Dial: Was werden wir essen? à 10/.12. J. F. Hendeln



Fürwahr Er trug unsere Krankheit à 15. G. F. H.



Dom: Invoc: Wer ist, der so von Edom kömmt à 12. Hendel



Fürwahr, Er trug unser à 15. G. F. H.



F. Pasch: Victoria. D. Tod ist verschlungen à 14. G. F.Hendel

Vorher Specificirte 276 Kirchen-Stücke habe alle richtig in Empfang bekommen, welches hiermit bescheinige.


Halle, d. 30. Nov. 1718

Johann Gotthilff Ziegler Org.[20]




Dec 1

Wilhelm Willers, Theatrical Notes, Hamburg 20 November (1 December)


Dec. 1. In Altona Agrippina.[21]




Dec 19

To all Lovers of Musick.

Whereas there has lately been printed (in

Prejudice to my Property) a very Imperfect and Spurious Edition of

Mr. Babell’s great Book of Harpsicord Lessons; (that the Publick

may not be impos’d on) This is to give Notice, The Original one

(curiously printed, and corrected by the Author) is now sold for 3 s.

6 d. by me at the Harp in Catherine-street in the Strand, and at the

Viol in Cornhill near the Royal Exchange. NB In Justice to my

self, and for the Advantage of the Publick, the like Fall in Price

will be made on all Musick that shall hereafter be printed upon me.

John Walsh:[22]




30 December (10 January NS)


Wilhelm Willers, Theatrical Notes, Hamburg

Januar, 10. Agrippina, nur zehn Personen.[23]

Jan. 10. Agrippina, only 10 people.[24]


[1] British Library, Harley Ms. 3782, f. 87r.

[2] British Library, Add. Ms. 61999, 18r [p. 33]; repr. Graydon Beeks, “‘A Club of Composers’: Handel, Pepusch and Arbuthnot at Cannons,” in Handel: Tercentenary Collection, ed. Stanley Sadie and Anthony Hicks (London: Macmillan Press, 1987), 209-21: 212.

[3] British Library, Add. Ms. 61999, 18v [p. 34]; repr. Graydon Beeks, “‘A Club of Composers’: Handel, Pepusch and Arbuthnot at Cannons,” in Handel: Tercentenary Collection, ed. Stanley Sadie and Anthony Hicks (London: Macmillan Press, 1987), 209-21: 212.

[4] Deutsch, 80–81.

[5] The Daily Courant, nr. 5116, Saturday 15 March 1718, [2].

[6] The Weekly-Journal: or, Saturday’s-Post, no. 66, Saturday 15 March 1718, 392.

[7] British Library, Add. Ms. 61999, 22r [p. 41]; repr. Graydon Beeks, “‘A Club of Composers’: Handel, Pepusch and Arbuthnot at Cannons,” in Handel: Tercentenary Collection, ed. Stanley Sadie and Anthony Hicks (London: Macmillan Press, 1987), 209-21: 212.

[8] The Daily Courant, nr. 5169, Friday 16 May 1718, [2].

[9] US-SM (Huntington Library), MS LO 8340, f. 1r-v; repr., Patrick Rogers, “Dating ‘Acis and Galatea’: A newly discovered letter,” The Musical Times 114 (1973): 792.

[10] Händel Handbuch, 76.

[11] Händel Handbuch, 76.

[12] Deutsch, 81.

[13] I-MOe Autografoteca Campori: Melania Bucciarelli, “Senesino’s Negotiations with the Royal Academy of Music: Further Insight into the Riva-Bernardi Correspondence and the Role of Singers in the Practice of Eighteenth-Century Opera,” Cambridge Opera Journal 27 (2015), 189–213: 205–6; English translation based on that by Donald Burrows in George Frideric Handel, Collected Documents. Volume 1: 1609–1725 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

[14] [Claver Morris], The Diary of a West Country Physician, A.D. 1684-1726, ed. Edmund Hobhouse (Rochester: Stanhope Press, 1934), 64.

[15] Händel Handbuch, 76.

[16] Händel Handbuch, 77.

[17] Deutsch, 82.

[18] Händel Handbuch, 77.

[19] Deutsch, 82.

[20] Händel Handbuch, 77.

[21] Händel Handbuch, 77.

[22] The Daily Courant, nr. 5355, Friday 19 December 1718, [2]; repr. (from the 22 December issue) William C. Smith, “Handel’s ‘Rinaldo’: An Outline of the Early Editions,” The Musical Times 76 ([no. 1110, August] 1935), 689-95: 695.

[23] Händel Handbuch, 77.

[24] Deutsch, 82.